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Dan Polansky (diskuse | příspěvky)
Dan Polansky (diskuse | příspěvky)
delete a problematic section
Řádek 458:
The manner in which the vote in [[en:Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/February#Decreasing Dan's Ban]] is conducted is a gross violation of the strength-of-the-argument-augmented consensus process: most votes provide precisely zero rationale. This is a major finding against the English Wiktionary project. There is an urgent need to change the English Wiktionary culture so that voting with zero rationales becomes completely culturally unacceptable, possibly even a blockable offense. The violation is not by the creator--who provided his rationales and is trying to do the right and just thing despite all odds, probably driven by his conscience--but rather by all those persons who have the audacity to post completely rationale-free votes. Describing these persons as an ''angry mob'' seems consistent with the observable phenomena, and therefore, the thing to be observed is quite possibly ''ochlocracy''. A corrective measure against the English Wiktionary project is urgently required (not particularly in relation to abuse of Dan Polansky but rather as for the audacity of the bare rationaleless voters in multiple places), but I am not clear where this measure could come from. [[Uživatel:Dan Polansky|Dan Polansky]] ([[Diskuse s uživatelem:Dan Polansky|diskuse]]) 5. 2. 2023, 13:24 (CET)
== Bigotry against entire groups ==
I was allegged to have "bigotry against entire groups". Any sane human orients themselves in the human world by identifying signs applicable to individual entities that predict behavior and possible harm. Therefore, it is perfectly rational to note that democracy and freedom do not come from Asia but rather from Europe and possibly from American Indians (no offense intended, to the contrary), the latter being suggested by Pirsig in Lila, tracing to Sidis if I remember correctly; it would have been American Indians who taught Europeans some of the ideas of democracy. (But it would need to be verified. And of course, Ancient Greeks had at least a semi-democracy, and the word is from them.) Any Asian user account presents an objectively existing cultural risk, as anecdotally confirmed by the behavior of Wyang in the English Wiktionary. I hardly ever make any comments in that direction not to cause trouble, but that is what I think. If someone wants to accuse me of thinking of Asians as anti-democratic and despotic (not each of them, of course; I know a very kind Chinese I had worked with I would have never thought of a despotic; we are talking ''tendencies''), that accusation is correct, and I believe that thinking is supported by solid evidence and analysis. One may even argue that Slavic people tend to be despotic as well (think of the current debacle with Russians, who ought to revolt better against their semi-crazed leader), yet I am nominally Slavic. But I am a Czech, a nation of mixed genetic origins and mixed cultural origins, so I may be in part German and in part Jew; I would have to find out.
By the way, "Fire!" Warmest greetings to Christopher Hitchens, a great cultural hero. Freedom of speech. British and American structured debate, what a marvel.
On a related note, Wiktionary seems to have an anti-Conservative cultural bias. ''Transgenderism'' or transgender ideology seems to be the cultural norm, although, objectively, it is not the completely dominant cultural norm even in the U.S., where this dangerous form of denial of objective reality has taken root. I hardly ever comment on that topic since that would get me blocked. If I say things I would not fear to say at all in Czechia, I will be attacked. What is a woman? A person who identifies as woman? What is that, a recursive acronym, like GNU? So a woman is a person who identifies as (a person who identifies as (a person who identifies as ( ... ))). What is this, Gödel, Escher, Bach? Come on, now. This makes no sense at all. I hardly ever make these kinds of comments since they have nothing to do with the English Wiktionary. But what has to do with the English Wiktionary is that [[:en:woman]] entry has become a testimony of this cultural madness and I cannot do anything about it; I would probably be blocked for daring to say what at least about 30% Americans think, and who knows how many Czechs. [[Uživatel:Dan Polansky|Dan Polansky]] ([[Diskuse s uživatelem:Dan Polansky|diskuse]]) 5. 2. 2023, 13:45 (CET)
== MuDavid ==