Uživatel:Mercy/Anglický korpus

< es:Wikcionario:Palabras más frecuentes del inglés
Proyecto Gutenberg 1/1/2006.

1 - 1000

1 - 100

the of and to in I that was he his it with is for as had you not be on at her by which have or from this him but all she were they my are me so one their de an said we them who would been will no when there if more out up any into do your has man what could other our than some very time about upon may la its only now little like then can made should did us such a great before must these two see over know much et after first Mr

101 - 200

down good men own most never where old day work those come shall himself came way without life make go long being well through might say am en too many even again back here people think every same under last went thought les found take still hand place also while just def against die though young years get ever things give part nothing face off right left once another god world house saw three new always took put head love each Mrs night between son few because mind tell whom thing heart far lord seemed set whole days got country

201 - 300

both find done name told look having heard seen let going better home moment knew side something course among full enough woman father soon words gave end Gutenberg almost cannot small er door room water want however brought given word whose use nor quite light best does morning till myself since present turned used themselves rather until power others felt thou money mother began less war next den within form large poor certain death year y together matter kind stood order often sent half herself friend wife anything keep true means hundred round point state thy received white believe passed

301 - 400

person read feet case pour city thus 2 children alone above fact high already dear known met English says gone times girl least perhaps land hope nature return letter open along air sure indeed number leave four body women either thee free help wish business during general several therefore hour lay held friends second fire speak whether reason John thousand manner cried king forth become England question call terms became replied lost why behind family dead possible following law feel electronic cause boy care different plus looking ground rest making soul really town mean human truth short kept subject french

401 - 500

five est need evening able strong earth live sea doubt answer lady understand around seems ten hard sort ask sense beautiful fear character turn party followed force bring close fine black hold dark written age spirit interest show sight necessary account book ready common bed talk story table idea ought line early longer can't France paid else river sometimes brother across miles van later copy art saying mark change feeling everything purpose eye position six ye further copyright past meet deep happy seem act suddenly stand taking strange rose view late nearly neither beyond blood real cold service suppose none

501 - 600

road forward army I've sound agreement clear sn effect sun pretty daughter knowledge husband mine toward peace bad natural e London cut living nous remember except below sie didn't office low fair American fall laid history pay doing pass note hair dr led charge makes run front Paris government horse although receive attention desire play opinion red gold el important master paper church company certainly tried silence placed probably ago wind te especially greater distance length strength arm duty persons send glad beauty big tout fellow latter information bear window foot trouble gentleman lips wrote various object hath particular minutes

601 - 700

wild ran faith save smile visit wrong chief hardly beginning enemy deal sleep march chance immediately presence action according loved follow thinking plain walked condition drew standing per knows rich unless heavy single try secret write York impossible sweet influence outside carry mouth occasion ship unto appear dinner joy broken places property regard afraid hat seeing figure please won't former George period whatever appearance system instead simple battle afterwards merely struck reach learned mere twenty tears easily stay married expression exclaimed born respect giving court u man's week school youth permission caught writing language sister agree slowly generally usual noble

701 - 800

command food dit getting worth quiet remain date support fit ancient green duke walk result evil month society showed third notice grew expected wonder laughed entirely goes bound William due village fight fresh perfect German Christian direction cost reading tone main tree conversation considerable street silent British success beside meant trademark chair somewhat wall considered provide stone individual greatest wished lines boat proper heaven bright opportunity sudden field waiting c private afternoon scarcely quickly formed trying etc. blockquote political race scene seven wait Tom speaking music sit Christ religion news authority begin marriage speech Henry that's broke difficult honour effort

801 - 900

top original access step cry domain fast medium justice troops lie personal summer America garden author sitting paragraph passage Rome ways terrible fortune happiness vain ill picture Indian study pain Europe possession supposed grand bit situation nation attempt takes century cast floor prepared eight sans eat determined grave hot produce killed island al associated sin drawn camp watch escape likely leaves wood instant refund fifty ourselves spring fee plan ladies modern existence simply hart memory meeting pleasant perfectly laugh surprise corner roman soft dress turning military forget trust fixed beneath allow religious equal passion reply shore conduct break spent wise

901 - 1000

rise sake degree spot winter breath built touch minute courage looks board official rate middle sky promise physical complete distribute instance James provided pale higher loss offer move train shot stop class lead father running spoken moral glass I'd directly example worse sufficient obliged o' warm spite start v. car social safe wouldn't ones del serious ex doctor aux shown non forms lower request attack servant Greek dog lot trade path drink proved silver special pride meaning smiled wonderful health rule share twelve ear movement expect enter north engaged legal advantage darkness spread marked taste foreign vast officer importance seat


Posición Palabra Frecuencia
1001 station 2276
1002 acting 2276
1003 accept 2271
1004 blow 2268
1005 strange 2266
1006 saved 2266
1007 Ivy 2266
1008 conversation 2266
1009 plane 2259
1010 mama 2257
1011 yesterday 2254
1012 lied 2251
1013 quick 2249
1014 lately 2249
1015 stuck 2240
1016 lovely 2239
1017 security 2237
1018 report 2236
1019 Barbara 2235
1020 difference 2227
1021 rid 2226
1022 tv 2225
1023 Adam 2219
1024 store 2217
1025 she'd 2209
1026 bag 2209
1027 Mike 2205
1028 bought 2201
1029 ball 2200
1030 single 2195
1031 Kevin 2192
1032 doubt 2191
1033 listening 2186
1034 major 2181
1035 walking 2180
1036 cops 2180
1037 blue 2180
1038 deep 2167
1039 dangerous 2162
1040 buffy 2162
1041 park 2160
1042 sleeping 2154
1043 Chloe 2154
1044 rafe 2149
1045 shh 2142
1046 record 2140
1047 lord 2139
1048 Erica 2139
1049 moved 2127
1050 join 2126
1051 key 2125
1052 captain 2117
1053 card 2113
1054 crime 2110
1055 gentlemen 2096
1056 willing 2089
1057 window 2084
1058 return 2081
1059 walked 2075
1060 guilty 2072
1061 Brenda 2072
1062 likes 2070
1063 fighting 2066
1064 difficult 2065
1065 soul 2063
1066 joke 2062
1067 service 2056
1068 magic 2053
1069 favorite 2052
1070 uncle 2050
1071 promised 2047
1072 public 2045
1073 bother 2042
1074 island 2041
1075 Jim 2039
1076 seriously 2036
1077 cell 2036
1078 lead 2033
1079 knowing 2032
1080 broken 2026
1081 advice 2024
1082 somehow 2023
1083 paid 2017
1084 Blair 2017
1085 losing 2013
1086 push 2010
1087 helped 2010
1088 killing 2006
1089 usually 2005
1090 earlier 2005
1091 boss 2003
1092 Laura 2001
1093 beginning 2001
1094 liked 1995
1095 innocent 1989
1096 doc 1989
1097 rules 1988
1098 Elizabeth 1988
1099 Sabrina 1985
1100 summer 1984
1101 ex 1979
1102 cop 1976
1103 learned 1971
1104 thirty 1956
1105 risk 1954
1106 letting 1954
1107 Phillip 1950
1108 speaking 1945
1109 officer 1945
1110 ridiculous 1943
1111 support 1942
1112 afternoon 1941
1113 Eric 1940
1114 born 1936
1115 dreams 1935
1116 apologize 1932
1117 seat 1930
1118 nervous 1930
1119 across 1928
1120 song 1925
1121 Olivia 1923
1122 charge 1923
1123 patient 1919
1124 Cassie 1919
1125 boat 1915
1126 how'd 1913
1127 brain 1911
1128 hide 1910
1129 detective 1910
1130 Aaron 1908
1131 Kendall 1907
1132 general 1907
1133 Tom 1906
1134 planning 1906
1135 nine 1906
1136 huge 1904
1137 breakfast 1901
1138 horrible 1900
1139 age 1899
1140 awful 1893
1141 pleasure 1889
1142 driving 1889
1143 hanging 1888
1144 picked 1887
1145 system 1885
1146 sell 1885
1147 quit 1885
1148 apparently 1885
1149 dying 1883
1150 notice 1872
1151 Josh 1868
1152 congratulations 1868
1153 chief 1867
1154 faith 1865
1155 Simon 1859
1156 gay 1859
1157 ho 1857
1158 one's 1856
1159 month 1856
1160 visit 1855
1161 Hal 1852
1162 could've 1852
1163 c'mon 1851
1164 aw 1845
1165 Edmund 1844
1166 Brady 1841
1167 letter 1839
1168 decide 1837
1169 American 1835
1170 double 1834
1171 Troy 1833
1172 sad 1832
1173 press 1832
1174 forward 1827
1175 fool 1825
1176 showed 1823
1177 smell 1822
1178 seemed 1816
1179 Mary 1815
1180 spell 1813
1181 Courtney 1812
1182 memory 1811
1183 mark 1809
1184 Alan 1805
1185 pictures 1804
1186 Paris 1804
1187 slow 1794
1188 Joe 1794
1189 Tim 1788
1190 seconds 1788
1191 hungry 1786
1192 board 1786
1193 position 1784
1194 hearing 1784
1195 roz 1782
1196 kitchen 1778
1197 ma'am 1777
1198 Bob 1776
1199 force 1775
1200 fly 1774
1201 during 1773
1202 space 1767
1203 should've 1767
1204 realized 1767
1205 experience 1767
1206 kick 1761
1207 others 1758
1208 grab 1757
1209 mother's 1754
1210 p 1751
1211 Sharon 1750
1212 discuss 1749
1213 third 1747
1214 cat 1742
1215 fifty 1737
1216 responsible 1735
1217 Jennifer 1732
1218 Philip 1731
1219 miles 1731
1220 fat 1730
1221 reading 1729
1222 idiot 1729
1223 yep 1728
1224 rock 1728
1225 rich 1725
1226 suddenly 1723
1227 agent 1721
1228 bunch 1720
1229 destroy 1717
1230 bucks 1717
1231 track 1714
1232 shoes 1713
1233 scene 1712
1234 peace 1711
1235 arms 1707
1236 demon 1703
1237 Diane 1700
1238 Bridget 1697
1239 Brad 1694
1240 low 1690
1241 livvie 1689
1242 consider 1689
1243 papers 1688
1244 medical 1687
1245 incredible 1687
1246 witch 1684
1247 er 1683
1248 drunk 1682
1249 attorney 1682
1250 Charlie 1681
1251 tells 1675
1252 knock 1674
1253 Karen 1673
1254 ways 1672
1255 eh 1671
1256 belle 1671
1257 cash 1670
1258 gives 1660
1259 department 1660
1260 nose 1658
1261 Skye 1655
1262 turns 1653
1263 keeps 1651
1264 beer 1651
1265 jealous 1643
1266 drug 1639
1267 Molly 1638
1268 sooner 1637
1269 cares 1635
1270 plenty 1634
1271 extra 1634
1272 tea 1628
1273 won 1627
1274 attack 1627
1275 ground 1626
1276 whose 1624
1277 outta 1621
1278 Kyle 1618
1279 l 1617
1280 weekend 1616
1281 matters 1614
1282 wrote 1613
1283 type 1612
1284 father's 1611
1285 Alex 1609
1286 gosh 1602
1287 opportunity 1601
1288 king 1600
1289 impossible 1600
1290 books 1600
1291 machine 1599
1292 waste 1596
1293 th 1596
1294 pretend 1593
1295 named 1591
1296 danger 1585
1297 wall 1581
1298 Liz 1581
1299 Ian 1580
1300 Henry 1580
1301 jump 1576
1302 eating 1576
1303 proof 1573
1304 complete 1572
1305 slept 1570
1306 career 1567
1307 arrest 1567
1308 star 1566
1309 Phyllis 1561
1310 mac 1561
1311 breathe 1561
1312 perfectly 1559
1313 warm 1557
1314 pulled 1557
1315 Maria 1553
1316 twice 1551
1317 easier 1547
1318 killer 1544
1319 goin 1543
1320 dating 1543
1321 suit 1542
1322 romantic 1542
1323 drugs 1537
1324 comfortable 1534
1325 Isaac 1532
1326 powers 1531
1327 finds 1530
1328 checked 1530
1329 fit 1527
1330 divorce 1526
1331 begin 1526
1332 ourselves 1525
1333 closer 1523
1334 ruin 1521
1335 although 1520
1336 smile 1516
1337 laugh 1515
1338 fish 1515
1339 Abigail 1515
1340 treat 1513
1341 God's 1512
1342 fear 1512
1343 Anna 1509
1344 what'd 1508
1345 Simone 1508
1346 amber 1505
1347 guy's 1504
1348 otherwise 1499
1349 excited 1499
1350 mail 1497
1351 hiding 1496
1352 cost 1496
1353 green 1494
1354 stole 1493
1355 pacey 1492
1356 noticed 1492
1357 liza 1491
1358 fired 1490
1359 Daphne 1490
1360 Whitney 1489
1361 excellent 1486
1362 lived 1485
1363 bringing 1483
1364 pop 1481
1365 piper 1481
1366 bottom 1480
1367 note 1479
1368 sudden 1477
1369 church 1474
1370 bathroom 1474
1371 flight 1473
1372 Chad 1473
1373 la 1472
1374 honestly 1472
1375 sing 1469
1376 Katie 1469
1377 foot 1468
1378 games 1467
1379 glass 1466
1380 n 1464
1381 Mitch 1464
1382 remind 1460
1383 bank 1460
1384 Rory 1459
1385 charges 1459
1386 witness 1457
1387 finding 1456
1388 places 1455
1389 tree 1453
1390 dare 1453
1391 hardly 1449
1392 that'll 1446
1393 u 1444
1394 interest 1443
1395 steal 1442
1396 princess 1441
1397 silly 1439
1398 contact 1436
1399 teach 1434
1400 shop 1432
1401 plus 1431
1402 colonel 1429
1403 fresh 1427
1404 trial 1426
1405 invited 1423
1406 roll 1422
1407 radio 1422
1408 art 1418
1409 reach 1415
1410 heh 1415
1411 dirty 1415
1412 choose 1414
1413 emergency 1413
1414 dropped 1413
1415 butt 1413
1416 credit 1412
1417 obvious 1410
1418 cry 1410
1419 locked 1409
1420 Larry 1408
1421 loving 1407
1422 positive 1404
1423 nuts 1404
1424 agreed 1403
1425 prue 1402
1426 price 1402
1427 goodbye 1402
1428 condition 1400
1429 guard 1398
1430 fuckin 1398
1431 grow 1396
1432 cake 1395
1433 mood 1393
1434 dad's 1392
1435 Bianca 1390
1436 total 1389
1437 crap 1389
1438 crying 1385
1439 paige 1383
1440 k 1383
1441 belong 1382
1442 lay 1381
1443 partner 1380
1444 trick 1379
1445 pressure 1379
1446 ohh 1378
1447 arm 1376
1448 dressed 1375
1449 cup 1375
1450 lies 1373
1451 bus 1373
1452 taste 1372
1453 neck 1371
1454 south 1369
1455 something's 1369
1456 nurse 1369
1457 raise 1366
1458 land 1366
1459 cross 1366
1460 lots 1365
1461 mister 1363
1462 carry 1363
1463 group 1360
1464 whoever 1358
1465 Eddie 1358
1466 drinking 1357
1467 they'd 1356
1468 breaking 1355
1469 file 1352
1470 lock 1349
1471 computer 1349
1472 yo 1347
1473 Rebecca 1347
1474 wine 1346
1475 closed 1346
1476 writing 1345
1477 spot 1344
1478 paying 1341
1479 study 1340
1480 assume 1340
1481 asleep 1339
1482 man's 1337
1483 turning 1336
1484 legal 1335
1485 justice 1335
1486 Viki 1334
1487 Chandler 1331
1488 bedroom 1331
1489 shower 1330
1490 Nikolas 1328
1491 camera 1328
1492 fill 1325
1493 reasons 1323
1494 forty 1323
1495 bigger 1322
1496 nope 1321
1497 keys 1321
1498 starr 1319
1499 breath 1319
1500 doctors 1316
1501 pants 1313
1502 freak 1311
1503 level 1308
1504 French 1308
1505 movies 1307
1506 gee 1307
1507 Monica 1306
1508 action 1306
1509 area 1305
1510 folks 1303
1511 Steve 1302
1512 cream 1301
1513 ugh 1300
1514 continue 1298
1515 focus 1294
1516 wild 1293
1517 truly 1293
1518 Jill 1292
1519 desk 1292
1520 convince 1292
1521 client 1290
1522 threw 1286
1523 Taylor 1286
1524 band 1284
1525 hurts 1282
1526 Charles 1280
1527 spending 1279
1528 Neil 1274
1529 field 1274
1530 allow 1274
1531 grand 1273
1532 answers 1273
1533 shirt 1272
1534 chair 1271
1535 christ 1270
1536 allowed 1270
1537 rough 1269
1538 doin 1269
1539 sees 1268
1540 government 1267
1541 Harry 1263
1542 ought 1262
1543 empty 1261
1544 round 1260
1545 lights 1260
1546 insane 1260
1547 hall 1259
1548 hat 1257
1549 bastard 1257
1550 wind 1251
1551 shows 1251
1552 aware 1251
1553 dealing 1250
1554 pack 1249
1555 meaning 1248
1556 flowers 1247
1557 tight 1246
1558 hurting 1245
1559 ship 1244
1560 subject 1242
1561 guest 1242
1562 mom's 1241
1563 chicken 1240
1564 pal 1237
1565 match 1237
1566 Elaine 1237
1567 arrested 1237
1568 sun 1236
1569 Rachel 1235
1570 Salem 1233
1571 confused 1233
1572 surgery 1232
1573 expecting 1232
1574 deacon 1232
1575 Colleen 1232
1576 unfortunately 1229
1577 goddamn 1229
1578 lab 1227
1579 passed 1226
1580 bottle 1225
1581 beyond 1225
1582 whenever 1224
1583 pool 1224
1584 opinion 1223
1585 naked 1221
1586 held 1221
1587 common 1221
1588 starts 1218
1589 jerk 1218
1590 secrets 1217
1591 falling 1217
1592 played 1216
1593 necessary 1215
1594 barely 1215
1595 dancing 1214
1596 health 1213
1597 tests 1211
1598 copy 1211
1599 Keri 1210
1600 video 1209
1601 cousin 1209
1602 planned 1208
1603 Vanessa 1207
1604 dry 1207
1605 ahem 1206
1606 twelve 1204
1607 simply 1202
1608 Tess 1201
1609 Scott 1199
1610 skin 1198
1611 often 1195
1612 English 1194
1613 fifteen 1193
1614 spirit 1192
1615 speech 1192
1616 names 1191
1617 issue 1191
1618 orders 1190
1619 nah 1190
1620 final 1189
1621 Michelle 1188
1622 america 1187
1623 st 1186
1624 results 1185
1625 code 1185
1626 Ned 1184
1627 Bonnie 1184
1628 w 1181
1629 believed 1181
1630 complicated 1180
1631 umm 1178
1632 research 1177
1633 nowhere 1177
1634 escape 1177
1635 biggest 1177
1636 restaurant 1176
1637 page 1176
1638 grateful 1174
1639 usual 1173
1640 burn 1173
1641 Chicago 1171
1642 Austin 1171
1643 address 1166
1644 within 1165
1645 someplace 1165
1646 screw 1165
1647 everywhere 1165
1648 train 1164
1649 film 1164
1650 regret 1163
1651 goodness 1163
1652 mistakes 1162
1653 heaven 1160
1654 details 1158
1655 responsibility 1157
1656 suspect 1156
1657 corner 1154
1658 hero 1153
1659 dumb 1153
1660 terrific 1152
1661 Peter 1151
1662 mission 1151
1663 further 1150
1664 Amy 1150
1665 gas 1149
1666 whoo 1148
1667 hole 1148
1668 memories 1147
1669 o'clock 1146
1670 Brian 1146
1671 truck 1144
1672 following 1144
1673 ended 1144
1674 nobody's 1142
1675 margo 1140
1676 teeth 1138
1677 ruined 1137
1678 hank 1137
1679 split 1135
1680 reva 1135
1681 bear 1135
1682 airport 1135
1683 bite 1132
1684 smoke 1130
1685 stenbeck 1128
1686 older 1128
1687 liar 1128
1688 horse 1126
1689 gwen 1124
1690 showing 1123
1691 van 1122
1692 project 1121
1693 cards 1121
1694 desperate 1118
1695 themselves 1117
1696 search 1117
1697 pathetic 1115
1698 damage 1115
1699 spoke 1114
1700 quickly 1114
1701 scare 1111
1702 marah 1111
1703 g 1111
1704 beach 1108
1705 mia 1105
1706 brown 1105
1707 afford 1103
1708 vote 1102
1709 settle 1102
1710 gold 1101
1711 re 1100
1712 mentioned 1100
1713 ed 1099
1714 due 1098
1715 passion 1095
1716 y 1094
1717 stayed 1094
1718 rule 1093
1719 Friday 1092
1720 checking 1092
1721 tie 1091
1722 hired 1091
1723 upon 1090
1724 rush 1089
1725 tad 1087
1726 heads 1087
1727 concern 1087
1728 blew 1087
1729 natural 1086
1730 alcazar 1086
1731 kramer 1085
1732 champagne 1085
1733 connection 1083
1734 tickets 1082
1735 Kate 1082
1736 finger 1081
1737 happiness 1080
1738 form 1079
1739 saving 1078
1740 kissing 1078
1741 Martin 1077
1742 hated 1077
1743 personally 1076
1744 suggest 1075
1745 prepared 1073
1746 build 1073
1747 leg 1072
1748 onto 1071
1749 leaves 1071
1750 downstairs 1071
1751 ticket 1070
1752 it'd 1070
1753 taught 1069
1754 loose 1069
1755 holy 1068
1756 staff 1067
1757 sea 1067
1758 asa 1067
1759 planet 1066
1760 duty 1063
1761 convinced 1063
1762 throwing 1060
1763 defense 1060
1764 harvey 1059
1765 kissed 1054
1766 legs 1052
1767 Dave 1052
1768 according 1052
1769 loud 1051
1770 practice 1049
1771 andy 1047
1772 jess 1046
1773 Saturday 1044
1774 colin 1044
1775 bright 1044
1776 Amanda 1044
1777 fraser 1043
1778 f 1043
1779 babies 1043
1780 army 1043
1781 where'd 1042
1782 warning 1042
1783 miracle 1042
1784 carrying 1041
1785 flying 1039
1786 caleb 1039
1787 blind 1039
1788 queen 1038
1789 ugly 1037
1790 shopping 1037
1791 hates 1036
1792 someone's 1035
1793 seth 1035
1794 monster 1034
1795 sight 1033
1796 vampire 1032
1797 rosanna 1031
1798 bride 1031
1799 coat 1030
1800 account 1030
1801 states 1029
1802 clearly 1028
1803 celebrate 1028
1804 Nicole 1026
1805 brilliant 1026
1806 wanting 1024
1807 allison 1023
1808 add 1023
1809 moon 1022
1810 forrester 1022
1811 lips 1021
1812 custody 1020
1813 center 1020
1814 screwed 1019
1815 buying 1019
1816 size 1017
1817 toast 1016
1818 thoughts 1016
1819 Isabella 1015
1820 student 1012
1821 stories 1011
1822 however 1011
1823 professional 1010
1824 stars 1008
1825 reality 1008
1826 Jimmy 1008
1827 birth 1008
1828 Lexie 1007
1829 attitude 1007
1830 advantage 1007
1831 grandfather 1006
1832 Sami 1005
1833 sold 1004
1834 opened 1001
1835 Lily 1001
1836 grandma 1001
1837 beg 1000
1838 Edward 998
1839 changes 998
1840 diego 997
1841 cole 997
1842 someday 996
1843 grade 996
1844 cheese 996
1845 roof 995
1846 Kenny 995
1847 Bobby 995
1848 pizza 994
1849 brothers 994
1850 x 993
1851 signed 993
1852 bird 993
1853 ahh 993
1854 marrying 992
1855 powerful 991
1856 grown 991
1857 grandmother 990
1858 fake 990
1859 opening 988
1860 sally 987
1861 stephanie 986
1862 expected 986
1863 eventually 985
1864 must've 984
1865 ideas 984
1866 exciting 984
1867 covered 984
1868 parker 983
1869 de 983
1870 familiar 981
1871 bomb 981
1872 bout 980
1873 television 979
1874 harmony 978
1875 color 978
1876 heavy 977
1877 schedule 976
1878 records 976
1879 h 976
1880 dollar 976
1881 capable 976
1882 master 975
1883 numbers 974
1884 toby 973
1885 practically 973
1886 including 973
1887 correct 973
1888 clue 973
1889 forgotten 972
1890 immediately 971
1891 appointment 971
1892 social 968
1893 nature 968
1894 ú 967
1895 deserves 965
1896 west 961
1897 blake 961
1898 teacher 960
1899 threat 959
1900 Frankie 959
1901 bloody 957
1902 lonely 956
1903 kelly 955
1904 ordered 954
1905 shame 953
1906 Brittany 953
1907 local 952
1908 jacket 952
1909 hook 952
1910 destroyed 952
1911 scary 951
1912 loser 951
1913 investigation 951
1914 above 951
1915 Jamal 950
1916 invite 950
1917 shooting 948
1918 merry 948
1919 port 947
1920 precious 946
1921 lesson 944
1922 roy 943
1923 criminal 943
1924 growing 941
1925 caused 940
1926 victim 939
1927 professor 938
1928 followed 937
1929 funeral 936
1930 nothing's 934
1931 dean 934
1932 considering 934
1933 burning 934
1934 couch 932
1935 strength 930
1936 harder 930
1937 loss 929
1938 view 928
1939 gia 928
1940 beauty 926
1941 sisters 925
1942 everybody's 924
1943 several 923
1944 pushed 922
1945 Nicholas 921
1946 written 920
1947 somebody's 920
1948 shock 920
1949 pushing 918
1950 heat 917
1951 chocolate 917
1952 greatest 916
1953 holden 915
1954 miserable 914
1955 corinthos 914
1956 nightmare 913
1957 energy 912
1958 brings 912
1959 Zander 911
1960 character 911
1961 became 911
1962 famous 910
1963 enemy 910
1964 crash 910
1965 chances 910
1966 sending 909
1967 recognize 909
1968 healthy 907
1969 boring 907
1970 feed 906
1971 engaged 906
1972 Sarah 905
1973 percent 904
1974 headed 904
1975 Brandon 904
1976 lines 903
1977 treated 902
1978 purpose 901
1979 north 901
1980 knife 901
1981 rights 900
1982 drag 900
1983 san 899
1984 fan 899
1985 badly 899
1986 speed 898
1987 santa 898
1988 hire 898
1989 curious 898
1990 paint 897
1991 pardon 896
1992 Jackson 896
1993 built 896
1994 behavior 896
1995 closet 895
1996 candy 895
1997 Helena 893
1998 warn 892
1999 gorgeous 892
2000 post 891


Posición Palabra Frecuencia
2001 milk 891
2002 survive 888
2003 forced 887
2004 Daria 887
2005 Victoria 884
2006 operation 884
2007 suck 883
2008 offered 882
2009 hm 882
2010 ends 882
2011 dump 882
2012 rent 881
2013 marshall 881
2014 remembered 880
2015 lieutenant 880
2016 trade 879
2017 thanksgiving 879
2018 rain 879
2019 revenge 877
2020 physical 877
2021 available 877
2022 program 876
2023 prefer 876
2024 baby's 875
2025 spare 873
2026 pray 873
2027 disappeared 873
2028 aside 873
2029 statement 872
2030 sometime 871
2031 animal 871
2032 sugar 870
2033 Ricky 870
2034 meat 870
2035 fantastic 870
2036 breathing 870
2037 laughing 869
2038 itself 869
2039 tip 868
2040 stood 868
2041 market 868
2042 Raul 866
2043 affair 865
2044 Stephen 862
2045 ours 862
2046 depends 862
2047 cook 862
2048 babe 862
2049 main 861
2050 woods 860
2051 protecting 860
2052 jury 859
2053 Harley 859
2054 national 857
2055 brave 856
2056 storm 855
2057 large 854
2058 prince 853
2059 Jack's 853
2060 interview 853
2061 Daniel 852
2062 Roger 851
2063 football 851
2064 fingers 851
2065 murdered 850
2066 stan 849
2067 sexy 849
2068 Julia 849
2069 explanation 847
2070 da 847
2071 process 846
2072 picking 846
2073 based 846
2074 style 845
2075 stone 845
2076 pieces 845
2077 blah 845
2078 assistant 845
2079 stronger 844
2080 block 844
2081 aah 844
2082 Newman 843
2083 bullshit 843
2084 pie 842
2085 handsome 842
2086 unbelievable 841
2087 anytime 841
2088 nearly 840
2089 Maureen 840
2090 shake 839
2091 everyone's 839
2092 Oakdale 838
2093 car 838
2094 wherever 837
2095 serve 837
2096 pulling 836
2097 point 836
2098 medicine 835
2099 fact 833
2100 waited 832
2101 pete 832
2102 lousy 832
2103 circumstances 832
2104 stage 831
2105 Lucas 831
2106 disappointed 831
2107 weak 830
2108 trusted 830
2109 license 830
2110 nothin 829
2111 community 829
2112 trey 828
2113 Jan 828
2114 trash 827
2115 understanding 826
2116 slip 826
2117 cab 826
2118 Abby 826
2119 sounded 824
2120 awake 824
2121 friendship 823
2122 stomach 821
2123 weapon 820
2124 threatened 820
2125 don 820
2126 mystery 818
2127 sean 817
2128 official 816
2129 Lee 816
2130 dick 816
2131 regular 813
2132 Donna 813
2133 river 812
2134 Malcolm 812
2135 Vegas 811
2136 valley 811
2137 understood 811
2138 contract 811
2139 bud 811
2140 sexual 810
2141 race 810
2142 basically 810
2143 switch 809
2144 lake 809
2145 frankly 809
2146 issue 808
2147 cheap 808
2148 lifetime 807
2149 deny 807
2150 painting 806
2151 ear 806
2152 clock 806
2153 Baldwin 806
2154 weight 805
2155 garbage 805
2156 why'd 803
2157 tear 803
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2159 dig 803
2160 bullet 803
2161 selling 802
2162 setting 801
2163 indeed 800
2164 gus 800
2165 changing 799
2166 singing 798
2167 tiny 797
2168 particular 797
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2171 Susan 796
2172 super 796
2173 spring 796
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2177 united 794
2178 filled 794
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2180 score 792
2181 people's 792
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2184 exact 790
2185 pills 789
2186 kicked 789
2187 harm 789
2188 recently 788
2189 ma 788
2190 snow 786
2191 fortune 786
2192 strike 785
2193 pretending 784
2194 raised 783
2195 Annie 783
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2199 fancy 782
2200 Sydney 781
2201 drove 781
2202 cared 781
2203 belongs 781
2204 nights 780
2205 shape 779
2206 dogs 779
2207 Lorelai 778
2208 jackie 778
2209 base 777
2210 maggie 776
2211 lift 776
2212 lewis 776
2213 stock 775
2214 sonny's 775
2215 fashion 775
2216 freedom 774
2217 timing 773
2218 Johnny 773
2219 guarantee 773
2220 chest 773
2221 bridge 773
2222 woke 772
2223 tabitha 772
2224 source 772
2225 patients 772
2226 theory 770
2227 lisa 770
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2229 original 769
2230 juice 769
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2232 access 769
2233 watched 768
2234 heading 767
2235 selfish 766
2236 oil 766
2237 drinks 766
2238 wise 765
2239 Morgan 765
2240 Ashley 765
2241 failed 764
2242 period 763
2243 doll 763
2244 committed 763
2245 elevator 762
2246 freeze 761
2247 noise 760
2248 exist 760
2249 science 759
2250 pair 759
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2252 wasting 758
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2255 ceremony 757
2256 cartman 757
2257 pig 756
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2260 peg 755
2261 guns 755
2262 vacation 754
2263 staring 754
2264 files 753
2265 bike 753
2266 weather 752
2267 name's 752
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2269 stress 751
2270 Kristina 751
2271 sucks 750
2272 permission 750
2273 arrived 750
2274 thrown 749
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2276 faster 749
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2278 borrow 749
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2280 release 747
2281 ate 747
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2285 library 745
2286 junior 745
2287 property 744
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2289 fabulous 744
2290 event 743
2291 doors 743
2292 screaming 742
2293 vision 741
2294 Nancy 741
2295 member 741
2296 bone 741
2297 battle 741
2298 xander 738
2299 Giles 738
2300 safety 737
2301 term 736
2302 devil 736
2303 what're 735
2304 meal 735
2305 fellow 734
2306 asshole 734
2307 apology 734
2308 anger 734
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2310 wet 732
2311 bail 732
2312 parking 731
2313 fucked 731
2314 non 730
2315 hung 730
2316 protection 727
2317 manager 727
2318 fixed 727
2319 families 727
2320 dawn 727
2321 sports 726
2322 chinese 726
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2325 wash 724
2326 stolen 724
2327 sensitive 724
2328 stealing 723
2329 photo 722
2330 chose 722
2331 russell 721
2332 lets 721
2333 comfort 721
2334 worrying 720
2335 whom 720
2336 pocket 717
2337 Mateo 717
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2339 students 716
2340 shoulder 716
2341 ignore 716
2342 fourth 716
2343 neighborhood 715
2344 fbi 715
2345 talent 714
2346 spaulding 714
2347 Carmen 714
2348 tied 713
2349 garage 713
2350 dies 710
2351 demons 710
2352 travel 709
2353 Diana 709
2354 success 708
2355 dumped 708
2356 witches 707
2357 training 707
2358 rude 707
2359 crack 707
2360 model 706
2361 bothering 706
2362 radar 705
2363 grew 704
2364 willow 703
2365 remain 703
2366 soft 702
2367 meantime 701
2368 gimme 701
2369 connected 700
2370 chase 700
2371 kinds 699
2372 cast 699
2373 cancer 699
2374 abe 699
2375 v 698
2376 sky 698
2377 likely 698
2378 Laurence 698
2379 fate 698
2380 buried 698
2381 hug 697
2382 brother's 697
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2384 concentrate 696
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2386 prom 695
2387 messages 695
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2389 unit 694
2390 intend 694
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2393 crew 694
2394 ashamed 694
2395 somethin 693
2396 midnight 692
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2399 weapons 691
2400 terms 691
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2403 tongue 689
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2407 shoe 688
2408 kane 688
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2427 therapy 682
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2434 soup 680
2435 daughter's 680
2436 thrilled 679
2437 Buchanan 679
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2445 moves 675
2446 awesome 675
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2467 trapped 666
2468 male 666
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2493 nerve 655
2494 incredibly 655
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2500 stamp 653
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2536 confession 640
2537 embarrassing 639
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2544 year's 636
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2553 europe 633
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2569 hopefully 625
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2574 illegal 624
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2587 phil 620
2588 mayor 620
2589 helen 619
2590 freaked 619
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2593 enjoying 618
2594 bug 618
2595 woman's 617
2596 prepare 617
2597 parts 616
2598 wheel 615
2599 signal 615
2600 nikki 615
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2602 defend 615
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2606 yourselves 613
2607 walls 613
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2609 maris 613
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2611 that'd 612
2612 suspicious 612
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2615 cooking 612
2616 button 612
2617 warned 611
2618 sixty 611
2619 pity 611
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2621 crisis 611
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2624 abbott 610
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2628 leads 608
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2634 carter 606
2635 image 605
2636 farm 605
2637 pleased 604
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2639 monday 604
2640 hers 604
2641 gettin 604
2642 smith 603
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2645 determined 603
2646 jane 602
2647 hell's 602
2648 grandpa 602
2649 progress 601
2650 Mexico 601
2651 testify 600
2652 passing 600
2653 military 600
2654 choices 600
2655 artist 600
2656 William 599
2657 wh 599
2658 uhh 599
2659 gym 599
2660 cruel 599
2661 wing 598
2662 traffic 598
2663 pink 598
2664 bodies 598
2665 mental 597
2666 gentleman 597
2667 coma 597
2668 poison 596
2669 cutting 596
2670 proteus 595
2671 guests 595
2672 girl's 595
2673 expert 595
2674 bull 595
2675 benefit 595
2676 bell 595
2677 faces 594
2678 cases 594
2679 mimi 592
2680 ghost 592
2681 led 591
2682 jumped 591
2683 audrey 591
2684 toilet 590
2685 secretary 590
2686 sneak 589
2687 q 589
2688 mix 589
2689 marty 589
2690 greta 589
2691 firm 589
2692 halloween 588
2693 barry 588
2694 agreement 588
2695 privacy 587
2696 dates 587
2697 anniversary 587
2698 smoking 586
2699 reminds 586
2700 pot 586
2701 created 586
2702 wesley 585
2703 twins 585
2704 swing 585
2705 successful 585
2706 season 585
2707 scream 585
2708 considered 585
2709 solid 584
2710 options 584
2711 flash 584
2712 commitment 584
2713 senior 583
2714 ill 583
2715 else's 583
2716 crush 583
2717 ambulance 583
2718 wallet 582
2719 thomas 582
2720 logan 582
2721 discovered 582
2722 officially 581
2723 gang 581
2724 til 580
2725 rise 580
2726 reached 580
2727 eleven 580
2728 option 579
2729 laundry 579
2730 former 579
2731 assure 579
2732 stays 578
2733 skip 578
2734 hunt 578
2735 fail 578
2736 accused 578
2737 wide 577
2738 robert 577
2739 challenge 577
2740 snyder 576
2741 popular 576
2742 learning 576
2743 discussion 576
2744 clinic 576
2745 plant 575
2746 exchange 575
2747 betrayed 575
2748 bro 574
2749 sticking 573
2750 university 572
2751 target 572
2752 members 572
2753 lower 572
2754 bored 572
2755 mansion 571
2756 soda 570
2757 silver 570
2758 sheriff 570
2759 suite 569
2760 handled 569
2761 busted 569
2762 senator 568
2763 harold 568
2764 load 567
2765 happier 567
2766 younger 566
2767 studying 566
2768 romance 566
2769 procedure 566
2770 ocean 566
2771 section 565
2772 fred 565
2773 winter 564
2774 sec 563
2775 commit 563
2776 bones 563
2777 assignment 563
2778 suicide 562
2779 spread 562
2780 quinn 562
2781 mind 562
2782 fishing 562
2783 swim 561
2784 ending 561
2785 bat 561
2786 yell 560
2787 llanview 559
2788 league 559
2789 chasing 559
2790 seats 558
2791 proper 558
2792 holiday 558
2793 command 558
2794 believes 558
2795 humor 557
2796 hopes 557
2797 fifth 557
2798 winning 556
2799 solution 556
2800 leader 556
2801 yellow 555
2802 theresa's 555
2803 sharp 555
2804 sale 554
2805 randy 554
2806 lawyers 554
2807 giant 554
2808 nor 553
2809 material 553
2810 latest 553
2811 ash 553
2812 highly 552
2813 escaped 552
2814 audience 552
2815 winner 551
2816 parent 551
2817 burn 551
2818 tricks 550
2819 insist 550
2820 dropping 550
2821 cheer 550
2822 medication 549
2823 higher 549
2824 flesh 549
2825 district 549
2826 wood 548
2827 routine 548
2828 zelda 547
2829 cookies 547
2830 century 547
2831 shared 546
2832 sandwich 546
2833 psycho 546
2834 handed 546
2835 false 546
2836 beating 546
2837 appear 546
2838 adult 546
2839 warrant 545
2840 spike 545
2841 garden 545
2842 family's 545
2843 awfully 545
2844 odds 544
2845 article 544
2846 treating 543
2847 thin 543
2848 suggesting 543
2849 palmer 543
2850 fever 543
2851 female 543
2852 sweat 542
2853 silent 542
2854 specific 541
2855 clever 541
2856 sweater 540
2857 request 540
2858 prize 540
2859 mall 540
2860 tries 539
2861 mile 539
2862 manning 539
2863 fully 539
2864 estate 539
2865 diamond 539
2866 union 538
2867 sharing 538
2868 jamie 537
2869 assuming 537
2870 judgment 536
2871 goodnight 536
2872 divorced 536
2873 quality 534
2874 despite 534
2875 colby 534
2876 surely 533
2877 steps 533
2878 jet 533
2879 confess 533
2880 bart 533
2881 mountain 532
2882 math 532
2883 listened 532
2884 comin 532
2885 answered 532
2886 vulnerable 531
2887 boston 531
2888 bless 531
2889 dreaming 530
2890 rooms 529
2891 claire 529
2892 chip 529
2893 zero 528
2894 potential 528
2895 pissed 528
2896 nate 528
2897 kills 528
2898 grant 528
2899 wolf 527
2900 tears 527
2901 knees 527
2902 chill 527
2903 carly's 527
2904 blonde 527
2905 brains 526
2906 agency 526
2907 harvard 525
2908 degree 525
2909 unusual 524
2910 wife's 523
2911 joint 523
2912 rob 522
2913 packed 522
2914 mel 522
2915 dreamed 522
2916 cure 522
2917 covering 522
2918 newspaper 521
2919 lookin 521
2920 coast 521
2921 grave 520
2922 egg 519
2923 direct 519
2924 cheating 519
2925 breaks 519
2926 quarter 518
2927 orange 518
2928 mixed 518
2929 locker 518
2930 husband's 518
2931 gifts 518
2932 brand 518
2933 awkward 518
2934 toy 517
2935 thursday 517
2936 rare 517
2937 policy 517
2938 pilar 517
2939 kid's 517
2940 joking 517
2941 competition 517
2942 classes 517
2943 assumed 517
2944 reasonable 516
2945 dozen 516
2946 curse 516
2947 quartermaine 515
2948 millions 515
2949 dessert 515
2950 rolling 514
2951 detail 514
2952 alien 514
2953 served 513
2954 delicious 513
2955 closing 513
2956 vampires 512
2957 released 512
2958 mackenzie 512
2959 ancient 512
2960 wore 511
2961 value 510
2962 tail 510
2963 site 510
2964 secure 510
2965 salad 510
2966 murderer 510
2967 margaret 510
2968 hits 510
2969 toward 509
2970 spit 509
2971 screen 509
2972 pilot 509
2973 Penny 509
2974 offense 509
2975 dust 509
2976 conscience 509
2977 Carl 509
2978 bread 509
2979 answering 509
2980 admitted 509
2981 lame 508
2982 invitation 508
2983 hidden 508
2984 grief 508
2985 smiling 507
2986 path 507
2987 homer 507
2988 destiny 507
2989 del 507
2990 stands 506
2991 bowl 506
2992 pregnancy 505
2993 Laurie 505
2994 Hollywood 505
2995 co 505
2996 prisoner 504
2997 delivery 504
2998 Jenny 503
2999 guard 503
3000 desire 503


Posición Palabra Frecuencia
3001 virus 502
3002 shrink 502
3003 influence 502
3004 freezing 502
3005 concert 501
3006 wreck 500
3007 partners 500
3008 massimo 500
3009 chain 500
3010 birds 500
3011 walker 499
3012 life's 499
3013 wire 498
3014 technically 498
3015 presence 498
3016 blown 498
3017 anxious 498
3018 cave 497
3019 version 496
3020 mickey 495
3021 holidays 495
3022 cleared 495
3023 wishes 494
3024 survived 494
3025 caring 494
3026 candles 494
3027 bound 494
3028 related 493
3029 gabrielle 493
3030 charm 493
3031 apple 493
3032 yup 492
3033 texas 492
3034 pulse 492
3035 jumping 492
3036 jokes 491
3037 frame 491
3038 boom 491
3039 vice 490
3040 performance 490
3041 occasion 490
3042 silence 489
3043 opera 489
3044 opal 489
3045 nonsense 489
3046 julie 489
3047 frightened 489
3048 downtown 489
3049 americans 489
3050 joshua 488
3051 internet 488
3052 valerie 487
3053 slipped 487
3054 lucinda 487
3055 holly 487
3056 duck 487
3057 dimera 487
3058 blowing 487
3059 world's 486
3060 session 486
3061 relationships 486
3062 kidnapping 486
3063 england 486
3064 actual 486
3065 spin 484
3066 classic 484
3067 civil 484
3068 tool 483
3069 roxy 483
3070 packing 483
3071 education 483
3072 blaming 483
3073 wrap 482
3074 obsessed 482
3075 fruit 482
3076 torture 481
3077 personality 481
3078 location 481
3079 loan 481
3080 effort 481
3081 daddy's 481
3082 commander 481
3083 trees 480
3084 there'll 480
3085 rocks 480
3086 owner 480
3087 fairy 480
3088 banks 480
3089 network 479
3090 per 478
3091 other's 478
3092 necessarily 478
3093 louis 478
3094 county 478
3095 contest 478
3096 chuck 478
3097 seventy 477
3098 print 477
3099 motel 477
3100 fallen 477
3101 directly 477
3102 underwear 476
3103 grams 476
3104 exhausted 476
3105 believing 476
3106 thorne 475
3107 particularly 475
3108 freaking 475
3109 carefully 475
3110 trace 474
3111 touching 474
3112 messing 474
3113 hughes 474
3114 committee 474
3115 smooth 473
3116 recovery 473
3117 intention 473
3118 enter 473
3119 consequences 473
3120 belt 473
3121 standard 472
3122 sacrifice 472
3123 marina 472
3124 courage 472
3125 butter 472
3126 officers 471
3127 enjoyed 471
3128 ad 471
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3130 buck 470
3131 attracted 470
3132 appears 470
3133 spencer 469
3134 bay 469
3135 yard 468
3136 returned 468
3137 remove 468
3138 nut 468
3139 carried 468
3140 today's 467
3141 testimony 467
3142 intense 467
3143 granted 467
3144 alice 467
3145 violence 466
3146 peggy 466
3147 heal 466
3148 defending 466
3149 attempt 466
3150 unfair 465
3151 relieved 465
3152 political 465
3153 loyal 465
3154 approach 465
3155 slowly 464
3156 plays 464
3157 normally 464
3158 buzz 464
3159 alcohol 464
3160 actor 464
3161 surprises 463
3162 psychiatrist 463
3163 pre 463
3164 plain 463
3165 attic 463
3166 who'd 462
3167 uniform 462
3168 terrified 462
3169 sons 462
3170 pet 462
3171 kristen 462
3172 cleaned 462
3173 zach 461
3174 threaten 461
3175 teaching 461
3176 mum 461
3177 motion 461
3178 fella 461
3179 enemies 461
3180 desert 461
3181 collection 461
3182 roxanne 460
3183 incident 460
3184 failure 460
3185 satisfied 459
3186 imagination 459
3187 hooked 459
3188 headache 459
3189 forgetting 459
3190 counselor 459
3191 andie 459
3192 acted 459
3193 opposite 458
3194 highest 458
3195 gross 458
3196 golden 458
3197 equipment 458
3198 badge 458
3199 tennis 457
3200 italian 457
3201 visiting 456
3202 tricia 456
3203 studio 456
3204 naturally 456
3205 frozen 456
3206 commissioner 456
3207 sakes 455
3208 lorelei 455
3209 labor 455
3210 glory 455
3211 appropriate 455
3212 africa 455
3213 trunk 454
3214 armed 454
3215 twisted 453
3216 thousands 453
3217 received 453
3218 dunno 453
3219 costume 453
3220 temporary 452
3221 sixteen 452
3222 impressive 452
3223 zone 451
3224 kitty 451
3225 kicking 451
3226 junk 451
3227 hon 451
3228 grabbed 451
3229 france 451
3230 unlike 450
3231 understands 450
3232 mercy 450
3233 describe 450
3234 wayne 449
3235 priest 449
3236 cordelia 449
3237 clients 449
3238 cable 449
3239 owns 448
3240 affect 448
3241 witnesses 447
3242 starving 447
3243 robbie 447
3244 instincts 447
3245 happily 447
3246 discussing 447
3247 deserved 447
3248 strangers 446
3249 leading 446
3250 intelligence 446
3251 host 446
3252 authority 446
3253 surveillance 445
3254 cow 445
3255 commercial 445
3256 admire 445
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3258 tuesday 444
3259 shadow 444
3260 questioning 444
3261 fund 444
3262 dragged 444
3263 barn 444
3264 object 443
3265 doug 443
3266 deeply 443
3267 amp 443
3268 wrapped 442
3269 wasted 442
3270 vega 442
3271 tense 442
3272 sport 442
3273 route 442
3274 reports 442
3275 reese 442
3276 plastic 442
3277 hoped 442
3278 fellas 442
3279 election 442
3280 roommate 441
3281 pierce 441
3282 mortal 441
3283 fascinating 441
3284 chosen 441
3285 stops 440
3286 shown 440
3287 arranged 440
3288 arnold 440
3289 abandoned 440
3290 sides 439
3291 delivered 439
3292 china 439
3293 becomes 439
3294 arrangements 439
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3296 linda 438
3297 hunting 438
3298 began 438
3299 theater 437
3300 series 437
3301 literally 436
3302 propose 435
3303 howard 435
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3307 forces 434
3308 soldier 433
3309 services 433
3310 sauce 433
3311 review 433
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3313 oz 433
3314 lecture 433
3315 greg 433
3316 eighty 433
3317 brandy 433
3318 bills 433
3319 bauer 433
3320 windows 432
3321 torn 432
3322 shocked 432
3323 relief 432
3324 nathan 432
3325 jones 432
3326 horses 432
3327 golf 432
3328 florida 432
3329 explained 432
3330 counter 432
3331 niki 431
3332 lauren 431
3333 design 431
3334 circle 431
3335 victims 430
3336 transfer 430
3337 stanley 430
3338 response 430
3339 channel 430
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3341 identity 429
3342 differently 429
3343 campus 429
3344 spy 428
3345 ninety 428
3346 interests 428
3347 guide 428
3348 emma 428
3349 elliot 428
3350 deck 428
3351 biological 428
3352 vince 427
3353 sd 427
3354 pheebs 427
3355 minor 427
3356 ease 427
3357 creep 427
3358 will's 426
3359 waitress 426
3360 skills 426
3361 bobbie 426
3362 telephone 425
3363 photos 425
3364 keith 425
3365 catalina 425
3366 ripped 424
3367 raising 424
3368 scratch 423
3369 rings 423
3370 prints 423
3371 flower 423
3372 wave 422
3373 thee 422
3374 arguing 422
3375 royal 421
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3377 figures 421
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3379 ellison 421
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3381 writer 420
3382 reception 420
3383 pin 420
3384 oops 420
3385 gt 420
3386 diner 420
3387 annoying 420
3388 agents 420
3389 taggert 419
3390 goal 419
3391 council 419
3392 mass 418
3393 ability 418
3394 sergeant 417
3395 julian's 417
3396 international 417
3397 id 417
3398 gina 417
3399 gig 417
3400 davidson 417
3401 blast 417
3402 basic 417
3403 wing 416
3404 tradition 416
3405 towel 416
3406 steven 416
3407 jenkins 416
3408 earned 416
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3410 rub 415
3411 president's 415
3412 habit 415
3413 customers 415
3414 creature 415
3415 counts 415
3416 bermuda 415
3417 actions 415
3418 snap 414
3419 roman 414
3420 react 414
3421 prime 414
3422 paranoid 414
3423 pace 414
3424 wha 413
3425 romeo 413
3426 handling 413
3427 eaten 413
3428 dahlia 413
3429 therapist 412
3430 comment 412
3431 charged 412
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3434 reporter 411
3435 nurses 411
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3437 priority 410
3438 johnson 410
3439 interrupting 410
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3441 fed 410
3442 bennett 410
3443 warehouse 409
3444 virgin 409
3445 shy 409
3446 pattern 409
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3448 inspector 409
3449 events 409
3450 candle 409
3451 pleasant 408
3452 media 408
3453 excuses 408
3454 duke 408
3455 castle 408
3456 threats 407
3457 samantha 407
3458 permanent 407
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3461 demand 407
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3463 basket 407
3464 assault 407
3465 ali 407
3466 tend 406
3467 praying 406
3468 motive 406
3469 los 405
3470 unconscious 404
3471 trained 404
3472 stuart 404
3473 ralph 404
3474 museum 404
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3476 alley 404
3477 tracks 403
3478 swimming 403
3479 range 403
3480 nap 403
3481 mysterious 403
3482 unhappy 402
3483 tone 402
3484 switched 402
3485 rappaport 402
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3487 liberty 402
3488 bang 402
3489 award 402
3490 sookie 401
3491 neighbor 401
3492 loaded 401
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3494 cooper 401
3495 childhood 401
3496 causing 401
3497 swore 400
3498 sample 400
3499 piss 400
3500 hundreds 400
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3502 background 400
3503 toss 399
3504 mob 399
3505 misery 399
3506 central 399
3507 boots 399
3508 valentine's 398
3509 thief 398
3510 squeeze 398
3511 potter 398
3512 lobby 398
3513 hah 398
3514 goa'uld 398
3515 geez 398
3516 exercise 398
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3518 drama 398
3519 al's 398
3520 patience 397
3521 noble 397
3522 katherine 397
3523 isabel 397
3524 indian 397
3525 forth 397
3526 facing 397
3527 engine 397
3528 booked 397
3529 boo 397
3530 un 396
3531 songs 396
3532 sandburg 396
3533 poker 396
3534 eighteen 396
3535 d'you 396
3536 cookie 396
3537 bury 396
3538 perform 395
3539 hayley 395
3540 everyday 395
3541 digging 395
3542 davis 395
3543 creepy 395
3544 compared 395
3545 wondered 394
3546 trail 394
3547 saint 394
3548 rotten 394
3549 liver 394
3550 hmmm 394
3551 drawn 394
3552 device 394
3553 whore 393
3554 ta 393
3555 magical 393
3556 bruce 393
3557 village 392
3558 march 392
3559 journey 392
3560 fits 392
3561 discussed 392
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3564 moral 391
3565 helpful 391
3566 attached 391
3567 timmy's 390
3568 slut 390
3569 searching 390
3570 flew 390
3571 depressed 390
3572 aliens 390
3573 aisle 390
3574 underground 389
3575 pro 389
3576 drew 389
3577 daughters 389
3578 cris 389
3579 amen 389
3580 vows 388
3581 proposal 388
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3583 neighbors 388
3584 darn 388
3585 clay 388
3586 cents 388
3587 arrange 388
3588 annulment 388
3589 uses 387
3590 useless 387
3591 squad 387
3592 represent 387
3593 product 387
3594 joined 387
3595 afterwards 387
3596 adventure 387
3597 resist 386
3598 protected 386
3599 net 386
3600 marlena 386
3601 fourteen 386
3602 celebrating 386
3603 benny 386
3604 piano 385
3605 inch 385
3606 flag 385
3607 debt 385
3608 darkness 385
3609 violent 384
3610 tag 384
3611 sand 384
3612 gum 384
3613 dammit 384
3614 teal'c 383
3615 strip 383
3616 norman 383
3617 hip 383
3618 celebration 383
3619 below 383
3620 reminded 382
3621 palace 382
3622 claims 382
3623 tonight's 381
3624 replace 381
3625 phones 381
3626 paperwork 381
3627 mighty 381
3628 lloyd 381
3629 emotions 381
3630 andrew 381
3631 typical 380
3632 stubborn 380
3633 stable 380
3634 sheridan's 380
3635 pound 380
3636 pillow 380
3637 papa 380
3638 mature 380
3639 lap 380
3640 designed 380
3641 current 380
3642 canada 380
3643 bum 380
3644 tension 379
3645 tank 379
3646 suffered 379
3647 stroke 379
3648 steady 379
3649 provide 379
3650 overnight 379
3651 meanwhile 379
3652 chips 379
3653 beef 379
3654 wins 378
3655 suits 378
3656 carol 378
3657 boxes 378
3658 salt 377
3659 el 377
3660 cassadine 377
3661 express 376
3662 collect 376
3663 boy's 376
3664 ba 376
3665 tragedy 375
3666 therefore 375
3667 spoil 375
3668 libby 375
3669 realm 374
3670 profile 374
3671 degrees 374
3672 wipe 373
3673 wilson 373
3674 surgeon 373
3675 stretch 373
3676 stepped 373
3677 nephew 373
3678 neat 373
3679 limo 373
3680 fox 373
3681 confident 373
3682 anti 373
3683 victory 372
3684 perspective 372
3685 designer 371
3686 climb 371
3687 angels 371
3688 title 370
3689 suggested 370
3690 punishment 370
3691 finest 370
3692 ethan's 370
3693 stefan 369
3694 springfield 369
3695 occurred 369
3696 hint 369
3697 furniture 369
3698 blanket 369
3699 twist 368
3700 trigger 368
3701 surrounded 368
3702 surface 368
3703 proceed 368
3704 lip 368
3705 jersey 368
3706 fries 368
3707 worries 367
3708 refused 367
3709 niece 367
3710 handy 367
3711 gloves 367
3712 soap 366
3713 signature 366
3714 disappoint 366
3715 crawl 366
3716 convicted 366
3717 zoo 365
3718 result 365
3719 pages 365
3720 lit 365
3721 flip 365
3722 counsel 365
3723 cheers 365
3724 doubts 364
3725 crimes 364
3726 accusing 364
3727 when's 363
3728 shaking 363
3729 remembering 363
3730 phase 363
3731 kit 363
3732 hallway 363
3733 halfway 363
3734 bothered 363
3735 useful 362
3736 sid 362
3737 popcorn 362
3738 makeup 362
3739 madam 362
3740 louise 362
3741 jean 362
3742 gather 362
3743 cowboy 362
3744 concerns 362
3745 cia 362
3746 cameras 362
3747 blackmail 362
3748 winnie 361
3749 symptoms 361
3750 rope 361
3751 patrick 361
3752 ordinary 361
3753 imagined 361
3754 concept 361
3755 cigarette 361
3756 barb 361
3757 supportive 360
3758 memorial 360
3759 japanese 360
3760 explosion 360
3761 coleman 360
3762 bundy 360
3763 yay 359
3764 woo 359
3765 trauma 359
3766 russian 359
3767 ouch 359
3768 leo's 359
3769 furious 359
3770 cheat 359
3771 avoiding 359
3772 whew 358
3773 thick 358
3774 oooh 358
3775 boarding 358
3776 approve 358
3777 urgent 357
3778 shhh 357
3779 misunderstanding 357
3780 minister 357
3781 ellen 357
3782 drawer 357
3783 sin 356
3784 phony 356
3785 joining 356
3786 jam 356
3787 interfere 356
3788 governor 356
3789 eden 356
3790 chapter 356
3791 catching 356
3792 bargain 356
3793 warren 355
3794 tragic 355
3795 schools 355
3796 respond 355
3797 punish 355
3798 penthouse 355
3799 hop 355
3800 angle 355
3801 thou 354
3802 sherry 354
3803 remains 354
3804 rach 354
3805 ohhh 354
3806 insult 354
3807 doctor's 354
3808 bugs 354
3809 beside 354
3810 begged 354
3811 absolute 354
3812 strictly 353
3813 stefano 353
3814 socks 353
3815 senses 353
3816 british 353
3817 ups 352
3818 sneaking 352
3819 sheila 352
3820 yah 351
3821 worthy 351
3822 val 351
3823 serving 351
3824 reward 351
3825 polite 351
3826 checks 351
3827 tale 350
3828 physically 350
3829 instructions 350
3830 fooled 350
3831 blows 350
3832 tabby 349
3833 internal 349
3834 bitter 349
3835 adorable 349
3836 y'all 348
3837 tested 348
3838 suggestion 348
3839 string 348
3840 mouse 348
3841 marks 348
3842 jewelry 348
3843 debate 348
3844 com 348
3845 alike 348
3846 pitch 347
3847 lou 347
3848 jacks 347
3849 fax 347
3850 distracted 347
3851 shelter 346
3852 lovers 346
3853 lessons 346
3854 hart 346
3855 goose 346
3856 foreign 346
3857 escort 346
3858 average 346
3859 twin 345
3860 testing 345
3861 friend's 345
3862 damnit 345
3863 constable 345
3864 circus 345
3865 berg 345
3866 audition 345
3867 tune 344
3868 shoulders 344
3869 mud 344
3870 mask 344
3871 helpless 344
3872 feeding 344
3873 explains 344
3874 dated 344
3875 sucked 343
3876 robbery 343
3877 objection 343
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3879 kennedy 343
3880 collins 343
3881 christina 343
3882 behave 343
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3884 simpson 342
3885 shadows 342
3886 marcy 342
3887 gary 342
3888 creative 342
3889 courtroom 342
3890 confusing 342
3891 beast 342
3892 tub 341
3893 talented 341
3894 struck 341
3895 smarter 341
3896 mistaken 341
3897 italy 341
3898 customer 341
3899 bizarre 341
3900 scaring 340
3901 punk 340
3902 motherfucker 340
3903 holds 340
3904 focused 340
3905 angeles 340
3906 alert 340
3907 activity 340
3908 vecchio 339
3909 sticks 339
3910 singer 339
3911 reverend 339
3912 highway 339
3913 francisco 339
3914 foolish 339
3915 compliment 339
3916 blessed 339
3917 bastards 339
3918 attend 339
3919 scheme 338
3920 joanna 338
3921 marissa 337
3922 canadian 337
3923 aid 337
3924 worker 336
3925 wheelchair 336
3926 protective 336
3927 poetry 336
3928 gentle 336
3929 script 335
3930 reverse 335
3931 picnic 335
3932 knee 335
3933 intended 335
3934 construction 335
3935 cage 335
3936 wives 334
3937 wednesday 334
3938 voices 334
3939 toes 334
3940 stink 334
3941 scares 334
3942 pour 334
3943 effects 334
3944 cheated 334
3945 tower 333
3946 time's 333
3947 slide 333
3948 ruining 333
3949 recent 333
3950 jewish 333
3951 jesse 333
3952 filling 333
3953 exit 333
3954 cruise 333
3955 cottage 333
3956 corporate 333
3957 cats 333
3958 upside 332
3959 supplies 332
3960 proves 332
3961 parked 332
3962 jo 332
3963 instance 332
3964 grounds 332
3965 german 332
3966 diary 332
3967 complaining 332
3968 basis 332
3969 wounded 331
3970 thing's 331
3971 politics 331
3972 hawaii 331
3973 confessed 331
3974 wicked 330
3975 pipe 330
3976 merely 330
3977 massage 330
3978 data 330
3979 colors 330
3980 chop 330
3981 budget 330
3982 brief 330
3983 tina 329
3984 spill 329
3985 prayer 329
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3987 chicks 329
3988 betray 329
3989 begins 329
3990 arrangement 329
3991 waiter 328
3992 sucker 328
3993 scam 328
3994 rats 328
3995 leslie 328
3996 fraud 328
3997 flu 328
3998 brush 328
3999 anyone's 328
4000 adopted 328


rank word count
4001 tables 327
4002 sympathy 327
4003 pill 327
4004 pee 327
4005 lean 327
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4007 cliff 327
4008 burger 327
4009 web 326
4010 seventeen 326
4011 landed 326
4012 expression 326
4013 entrance 326
4014 employee 326
4015 drawing 326
4016 cap 326
4017 bunny 326
4018 bracelet 326
4019 thirteen 325
4020 scout 325
4021 principal 325
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4023 jen's 325
4024 fairly 325
4025 facility 325
4026 dru 325
4027 deeper 325
4028 arrive 325
4029 unique 324
4030 tracking 324
4031 spite 324
4032 shed 324
4033 recommend 324
4034 oughta 324
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4036 naive 324
4037 menu 324
4038 grades 324
4039 diet 324
4040 corn 324
4041 authorities 324
4042 walsh 323
4043 separated 323
4044 roses 323
4045 patch 323
4046 grey 323
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4048 devastated 323
4049 description 323
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4051 subtle 322
4052 include 322
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4054 garrison 322
4055 citizen 322
4056 bullets 322
4057 beans 322
4058 ric 321
4059 pile 321
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4061 las 321
4062 kelso 321
4063 executive 321
4064 confirm 321
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4066 adults 321
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4068 toe 320
4069 strings 320
4070 parade 320
4071 harbor 320
4072 charity's 320
4073 bow 320
4074 borrowed 320
4075 booth 320
4076 toys 319
4077 straighten 319
4078 steak 319
4079 status 319
4080 remote 319
4081 premonition 319
4082 poem 319
4083 planted 319
4084 honored 319
4085 youth 318
4086 specifically 318
4087 meetings 318
4088 lopez 318
4089 exam 318
4090 daily 318
4091 convenient 318
4092 traveling 317
4093 matches 317
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4095 insisted 317
4096 crystal 317
4097 apply 317
4098 units 316
4099 technology 316
4100 steel 316
4101 muscle 316
4102 joel 316
4103 dish 316
4104 aitoro 316
4105 sis 315
4106 sales 315
4107 marie 315
4108 legend 315
4109 kindly 315
4110 grandson 315
4111 donor 315
4112 wheels 314
4113 temper 314
4114 teenager 314
4115 strategy 314
4116 richard's 314
4117 proven 314
4118 mothers 314
4119 monitor 314
4120 iron 314
4121 houses 314
4122 eternity 314
4123 denial 314
4124 dana 314
4125 couples 314
4126 backwards 314
4127 tent 313
4128 swell 313
4129 noon 313
4130 happiest 313
4131 gotcha 313
4132 episode 313
4133 drives 313
4134 bacon 313
4135 thinkin 312
4136 spirits 312
4137 potion 312
4138 holes 312
4139 fence 312
4140 dial 312
4141 affairs 312
4142 acts 312
4143 whatsoever 311
4144 ward 311
4145 rehearsal 311
4146 proved 311
4147 overheard 311
4148 nuclear 311
4149 lemme 311
4150 leather 311
4151 hostage 311
4152 hammer 311
4153 faced 311
4154 discover 311
4155 constant 311
4156 catherine 311
4157 bench 311
4158 tryin 310
4159 taxi 310
4160 shove 310
4161 sets 310
4162 reggie 310
4163 moron 310
4164 limits 310
4165 jeff 310
4166 impress 310
4167 gray 310
4168 entitled 310
4169 connect 310
4170 pussy 309
4171 needle 309
4172 megan 309
4173 limit 309
4174 lad 309
4175 intelligent 309
4176 instant 309
4177 forms 309
4178 disagree 309
4179 tiger 308
4180 stinks 308
4181 rianna 308
4182 recover 308
4183 paul's 308
4184 louie 308
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4186 groom 308
4187 gesture 308
4188 developed 308
4189 constantly 308
4190 blocks 308
4191 bartender 308
4192 tunnel 307
4193 suspects 307
4194 sealed 307
4195 removed 307
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4197 legally 307
4198 illness 307
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4200 dresses 307
4201 aye 307
4202 vehicle 306
4203 thy 306
4204 teachers 306
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4206 receive 306
4207 psychic 306
4208 night's 306
4209 melissa 306
4210 denied 306
4211 teenage 305
4212 sierra 305
4213 rabbit 305
4214 puppy 305
4215 patty 305
4216 knocking 305
4217 judging 305
4218 bible 305
4219 behalf 305
4220 accidentally 305
4221 waking 304
4222 ton 304
4223 superior 304
4224 slack 304
4225 seek 304
4226 rumor 304
4227 natalie's 304
4228 manners 304
4229 homeless 304
4230 hollow 304
4231 hills 304
4232 gordon 304
4233 desperately 304
4234 critical 304
4235 coward 304
4236 winslow 303
4237 theme 303
4238 tapes 303
4239 sheets 303
4240 referring 303
4241 personnel 303
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4243 ol 303
4244 maxie 303
4245 item 303
4246 genoa 303
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4248 du 303
4249 majesty 302
4250 forest 302
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4252 exposed 302
4253 cried 302
4254 tons 301
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4256 producer 301
4257 launch 301
4258 jay 301
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4260 extreme 301
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4262 quote 300
4263 motorcycle 300
4264 convincing 300
4265 appeal 300
4266 advance 300
4267 greater 299
4268 fashioned 299
4269 empire 299
4270 aids 299
4271 accomplished 299
4272 ye 298
4273 tammy 298
4274 noah 298
4275 mommy's 298
4276 grip 298
4277 bump 298
4278 wallace 297
4279 upsetting 297
4280 soldiers 297
4281 scheduled 297
4282 production 297
4283 needing 297
4284 maddie 297
4285 invisible 297
4286 forgiveness 297
4287 feds 297
4288 complex 297
4289 compare 297
4290 cloud 297
4291 champion 297
4292 bothers 297
4293 blank 297
4294 treasure 296
4295 tooth 296
4296 territory 296
4297 sacred 296
4298 mon 296
4299 jessica's 296
4300 inviting 296
4301 inner 296
4302 earn 296
4303 compromise 296
4304 cocktail 296
4305 tramp 295
4306 temperature 295
4307 signing 295
4308 messenger 295
4309 landing 295
4310 jabot 295
4311 intimate 295
4312 dignity 295
4313 dealt 295
4314 souls 294
4315 root 294
4316 nicky 294
4317 informed 294
4318 gods 294
4319 felicia 294
4320 entertainment 294
4321 dressing 294
4322 cigarettes 294
4323 blessing 294
4324 billion 294
4325 alistair 294
4326 upper 293
4327 marge 293
4328 manner 293
4329 lightning 293
4330 leak 293
4331 heaven's 293
4332 fond 293
4333 corky 293
4334 atlantic 293
4335 alternative 293
4336 seduce 292
4337 players 292
4338 operate 292
4339 modern 292
4340 liquor 292
4341 june 292
4342 janine 292
4343 fingerprints 292
4344 enchantment 292
4345 butters 292
4346 stuffed 291
4347 stavros 291
4348 rome 291
4349 murphy 291
4350 filed 291
4351 emotionally 291
4352 division 291
4353 conditions 291
4354 cameron 291
4355 uhm 290
4356 transplant 290
4357 tips 290
4358 shayne 290
4359 powder 290
4360 passes 290
4361 oxygen 290
4362 nicely 290
4363 macy 290
4364 lunatic 290
4365 hid 290
4366 drill 290
4367 designs 290
4368 complain 290
4369 announcement 290
4370 visitors 289
4371 unfortunate 289
4372 slap 289
4373 pumpkin 289
4374 prayers 289
4375 plug 289
4376 organization 289
4377 opens 289
4378 oath 289
4379 o'neill 289
4380 mutual 289
4381 hockey 289
4382 graduate 289
4383 confirmed 289
4384 broad 289
4385 yacht 288
4386 spa 288
4387 remembers 288
4388 horn 288
4389 fried 288
4390 extraordinary 288
4391 bait 288
4392 appearance 288
4393 angela 288
4394 abuse 288
4395 warton 287
4396 sworn 287
4397 stare 287
4398 sal 287
4399 safely 287
4400 reunion 287
4401 plot 287
4402 nigel 287
4403 burst 287
4404 aha 287
4405 might've 286
4406 frederick 286
4407 experiment 286
4408 experienced 286
4409 dive 286
4410 commission 286
4411 chaos 286
4412 cells 286
4413 aboard 286
4414 returning 285
4415 lesbian 285
4416 independent 285
4417 expose 285
4418 environment 285
4419 buddies 285
4420 trusting 284
4421 spider 284
4422 smaller 284
4423 mountains 284
4424 mandy 284
4425 jessie 284
4426 booze 284
4427 tattoo 283
4428 sweep 283
4429 sore 283
4430 scudder 283
4431 reynolds 283
4432 properly 283
4433 parole 283
4434 manhattan 283
4435 effective 283
4436 ditch 283
4437 decides 283
4438 canceled 283
4439 bulldog 283
4440 bra 283
4441 antonio's 283
4442 speaks 282
4443 spanish 282
4444 rubber 282
4445 reaching 282
4446 glow 282
4447 foundation 282
4448 women's 281
4449 wears 281
4450 thirsty 281
4451 stewart 281
4452 skull 281
4453 sidney 281
4454 scotch 281
4455 ringing 281
4456 dorm 281
4457 dining 281
4458 carla 281
4459 bend 281
4460 unexpected 280
4461 systems 280
4462 sob 280
4463 pat 280
4464 pancakes 280
4465 michael's 280
4466 harsh 280
4467 flattered 280
4468 existence 280
4469 ahhh 280
4470 troubles 279
4471 proposed 279
4472 fights 279
4473 favourite 279
4474 eats 279
4475 driven 279
4476 computers 279
4477 chin 279
4478 bravo 279
4479 seal 278
4480 rage 278
4481 luke's 278
4482 causes 278
4483 bubble 278
4484 border 278
4485 undercover 277
4486 spoiled 277
4487 sloane 277
4488 shine 277
4489 rug 277
4490 identify 277
4491 destroying 277
4492 deputy 277
4493 deliberately 277
4494 conspiracy 277
4495 clothing 277
4496 thoughtful 276
4497 similar 276
4498 sandwiches 276
4499 plates 276
4500 nails 276
4501 miracles 276
4502 investment 276
4503 fridge 276
4504 drank 276
4505 contrary 276
4506 beloved 276
4507 alonzo 276
4508 allergic 276
4509 washed 275
4510 stalking 275
4511 solved 275
4512 sack 275
4513 misses 275
4514 hope's 275
4515 forgiven 275
4516 erica's 275
4517 earl 275
4518 cuz 275
4519 bent 275
4520 approval 275
4521 practical 274
4522 organized 274
4523 norma 274
4524 maciver 274
4525 jungle 274
4526 involve 274
4527 industry 274
4528 fuel 274
4529 dragging 274
4530 dancer 274
4531 cotton 274
4532 cooked 274
4533 weston 273
4534 renee 273
4535 possession 273
4536 pointing 273
4537 foul 273
4538 editor 273
4539 dull 273
4540 clark 273
4541 beneath 273
4542 ages 273
4543 si 272
4544 peanut 272
4545 horror 272
4546 heels 272
4547 grass 272
4548 faking 272
4549 deaf 272
4550 billie 272
4551 stunt 271
4552 portrait 271
4553 painted 271
4554 july 271
4555 jealousy 271
4556 hopeless 271
4557 fears 271
4558 cuts 271
4559 conclusion 271
4560 volunteer 270
4561 sword 270
4562 scenario 270
4563 satellite 270
4564 rosie 270
4565 riley 270
4566 necklace 270
4567 men's 270
4568 evans 270
4569 crashed 270
4570 christopher 270
4571 chapel 270
4572 accuse 270
4573 teddy 269
4574 restraining 269
4575 naughty 269
4576 jason's 269
4577 humans 269
4578 homicide 269
4579 helicopter 269
4580 formal 269
4581 fitzgerald 269
4582 firing 269
4583 shortly 268
4584 safer 268
4585 missy 268
4586 diamonds 268
4587 devoted 268
4588 auction 268
4589 videotape 267
4590 tore 267
4591 stores 267
4592 reservations 267
4593 pops 267
4594 joseph 267
4595 ew 267
4596 arthur 267
4597 appetite 267
4598 anybody's 267
4599 wounds 266
4600 vanquish 266
4601 symbol 266
4602 prevent 266
4603 patrol 266
4604 jordan 266
4605 ironic 266
4606 flow 266
4607 fathers 266
4608 excitement 266
4609 anyhow 266
4610 tearing 265
4611 sends 265
4612 sam's 265
4613 rape 265
4614 lo 265
4615 laughed 265
4616 function 265
4617 core 265
4618 charmed 265
4619 carpet 265
4620 bowling 265
4621 belly 265
4622 whatever's 264
4623 sub 264
4624 shark 264
4625 scotty 264
4626 miller 264
4627 miami 264
4628 lucy's 264
4629 jefferson 264
4630 dealer 264
4631 cooperate 264
4632 bachelor 264
4633 anne 264
4634 accomplish 264
4635 wakes 263
4636 struggle 263
4637 spotted 263
4638 sorts 263
4639 rico 263
4640 reservation 263
4641 fort 263
4642 coke 263
4643 ashes 263
4644 yards 262
4645 votes 262
4646 tastes 262
4647 supposedly 262
4648 marcus 262
4649 loft 262
4650 intentions 262
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4652 wished 261
4653 wendy 261
4654 towels 261
4655 suspected 261
4656 slightly 261
4657 qualified 261
4658 profit 261
4659 log 261
4660 lenny 261
4661 java 261
4662 investigating 261
4663 inappropriate 261
4664 immediate 261
4665 ginger 261
4666 companies 261
4667 backed 261
4668 sunset 260
4669 pan 260
4670 pa 260
4671 owned 260
4672 nation 260
4673 lipstick 260
4674 lawn 260
4675 compassion 260
4676 cafeteria 260
4677 belonged 260
4678 affected 260
4679 scarf 259
4680 precisely 259
4681 obsession 259
4682 management 259
4683 loses 259
4684 lighten 259
4685 jake's 259
4686 infection 259
4687 granddaughter 259
4688 explode 259
4689 chemistry 259
4690 balcony 259
4691 this'll 258
4692 storage 258
4693 spying 258
4694 publicity 258
4695 exists 258
4696 employees 258
4697 depend 258
4698 cynthia 258
4699 cue 258
4700 cracked 258
4701 conscious 258
4702 aww 258
4703 anya 258
4704 ally 258
4705 ace 258
4706 accounts 258
4707 absurd 258
4708 vicious 257
4709 tools 257
4710 strongly 257
4711 rap 257
4712 potato 257
4713 invented 257
4714 hood 257
4715 forbid 257
4716 directions 257
4717 defendant 257
4718 bare 257
4719 announce 257
4720 alcazar's 257
4721 screwing 256
4722 samples 256
4723 salesman 256
4724 rounds 256
4725 robbed 256
4726 leap 256
4727 lakeview 256
4728 ken 256
4729 insanity 256
4730 injury 256
4731 genetic 256
4732 freaks 256
4733 fighter 256
4734 document 256
4735 burden 256
4736 why's 255
4737 swallow 255
4738 slave 255
4739 reveal 255
4740 religious 255
4741 possibilities 255
4742 martini 255
4743 kidnap 255
4744 gown 255
4745 entering 255
4746 donny 255
4747 chairs 255
4748 wishing 254
4749 statue 254
4750 stalker 254
4751 setup 254
4752 serial 254
4753 sandy 254
4754 punished 254
4755 mikey 254
4756 gilmore 254
4757 dramatic 254
4758 dismissed 254
4759 criminals 254
4760 carver 254
4761 blade 254
4762 seventh 253
4763 regrets 253
4764 raped 253
4765 quarters 253
4766 produce 253
4767 pony 253
4768 oliver 253
4769 lamp 253
4770 dentist 253
4771 anyways 253
4772 anonymous 253
4773 added 253
4774 tech 252
4775 semester 252
4776 risks 252
4777 regarding 252
4778 owes 252
4779 magazines 252
4780 machines 252
4781 lungs 252
4782 explaining 252
4783 delicate 252
4784 delia 252
4785 child's 252
4786 tricked 251
4787 oldest 251
4788 liv 251
4789 eager 251
4790 doomed 251
4791 coffin 251
4792 click 251
4793 cafe 251
4794 buttons 251
4795 bureau 251
4796 adoption 251
4797 wes 250
4798 tyler 250
4799 traditional 250
4800 surrender 250
4801 stones 250
4802 stab 250
4803 sickness 250
4804 scum 250
4805 oswald 250
4806 loop 250
4807 independence 250
4808 generation 250
4809 floating 250
4810 envelope 250
4811 entered 250
4812 combination 250
4813 chamber 250
4814 casino 250
4815 worn 249
4816 vault 249
4817 sunshine 249
4818 sorel 249
4819 pretended 249
4820 potatoes 249
4821 plea 249
4822 photograph 249
4823 petty 249
4824 payback 249
4825 misunderstood 249
4826 kiddo 249
4827 healing 249
4828 franklin 249
4829 fiancée 249
4830 derek 249
4831 cascade 249
4832 capeside 249
4833 buster 249
4834 application 249
4835 stabbed 248
4836 remarkable 248
4837 random 248
4838 guitar 248
4839 frog 248
4840 cabinet 248
4841 brat 248
4842 wrestling 247
4843 willie 247
4844 sixth 247
4845 scale 247
4846 privilege 247
4847 pencil 247
4848 passionate 247
4849 nerves 247
4850 lawsuit 247
4851 kidney 247
4852 disturbed 247
4853 crossing 247
4854 cozy 247
4855 avatar 247
4856 associate 247
4857 tire 246
4858 shirts 246
4859 sara 246
4860 required 246
4861 posted 246
4862 oven 246
4863 ordering 246
4864 mill 246
4865 journal 246
4866 gallery 246
4867 delay 246
4868 clubs 246
4869 risky 245
4870 purple 245
4871 nest 245
4872 monsters 245
4873 honorable 245
4874 grounded 245
4875 gene 245
4876 favour 245
4877 electric 245
4878 doyle 245
4879 culture 245
4880 closest 245
4881 brenda's 245
4882 breast 245
4883 breakdown 245
4884 attempted 245
4885 tony's 244
4886 placed 244
4887 martha 244
4888 india 244
4889 dallas 244
4890 conflict 244
4891 bald 244
4892 anthony 244
4893 actress 244
4894 abandon 244
4895 wisdom 243
4896 steam 243
4897 scar 243
4898 pole 243
4899 duh 243
4900 collar 243
4901 cd 243
4902 worthless 242
4903 warlock 242
4904 sucking 242
4905 standards 242
4906 resources 242
4907 photographs 242
4908 introduced 242
4909 injured 242
4910 graduation 242
4911 enormous 242
4912 dixon 242
4913 disturbing 242
4914 disturb 242
4915 distract 242
4916 deals 242
4917 conclusions 242
4918 baker 242
4919 vodka 241
4920 situations 241
4921 require 241
4922 ramsey 241
4923 muffin 241
4924 mid 241
4925 measure 241
4926 le 241
4927 jeffrey 241
4928 dishes 241
4929 crawling 241
4930 congress 241
4931 children's 241
4932 briefcase 241
4933 albert 241
4934 wiped 240
4935 whistle 240
4936 sits 240
4937 roast 240
4938 rented 240
4939 pigs 240
4940 penis 240
4941 massive 240
4942 link 240
4943 greek 240
4944 flirting 240
4945 existed 240
4946 deposit 240
4947 damaged 240
4948 bottles 240
4949 vanessa's 239
4950 unknown 239
4951 types 239
4952 topic 239
4953 robin 239
4954 riot 239
4955 overreacting 239
4956 minimum 239
4957 logical 239
4958 impact 239
4959 hostile 239
4960 embarrass 239
4961 casual 239
4962 beacon 239
4963 amusing 239
4964 altar 239
4965 values 238
4966 ultimate 238
4967 skinny 238
4968 recognized 238
4969 maintain 238
4970 goods 238
4971 covers 238
4972 claus 238
4973 battery 238
4974 survival 237
4975 spellman 237
4976 skirt 237
4977 shave 237
4978 prisoners 237
4979 porch 237
4980 med 237
4981 ghosts 237
4982 favors 237
4983 drops 237
4984 dizzy 237
4985 chili 237
4986 breasts 237
4987 benjamin 237
4988 begun 237
4989 beaten 237
4990 advise 237
4991 transferred 236
4992 strikes 236
4993 rehab 236
4994 raw 236
4995 photographer 236
4996 peaceful 236
4997 leery 236
4998 kraft 236
4999 houston 236
5000 hooker 236


Posición Palabra Frecuencia
5001 heavens 236
5002 fortunately 236
5003 fooling 236
5004 expectations 236
5005 draft 236
5006 citizens 236
5007 cigar 236
5008 active 236
5009 weakness 235
5010 vincent 235
5011 ski 235
5012 ships 235
5013 ranch 235
5014 practicing 235
5015 musical 235
5016 movement 235
5017 lynne 235
5018 individual 235
5019 homes 235
5020 executed 235
5021 examine 235
5022 documents 235
5023 cranes 235
5024 column 235
5025 bribe 235
5026 beers 235
5027 task 234
5028 species 234
5029 sail 234
5030 rum 234
5031 resort 234
5032 rash 234
5033 prescription 234
5034 operating 234
5035 munson 234
5036 mars 234
5037 hush 234
5038 fuzzy 234
5039 fragile 234
5040 forensics 234
5041 expense 234
5042 drugged 234
5043 differences 234
5044 cows 234
5045 conduct 234
5046 comic 234
5047 bingo 234
5048 bells 234
5049 bebe 234
5050 avenue 234
5051 attacking 234
5052 assigned 234
5053 visitor 233
5054 suitcase 233
5055 sources 233
5056 sorta 233
5057 scan 233
5058 rod 233
5059 payment 233
5060 op 233
5061 motor 233
5062 mini 233
5063 manticore 233
5064 inspired 233
5065 insecure 233
5066 imagining 233
5067 hardest 233
5068 gamble 233
5069 donald 233
5070 clerk 233
5071 yea 232
5072 wrist 232
5073 what'll 232
5074 tube 232
5075 starters 232
5076 silk 232
5077 pump 232
5078 pale 232
5079 nicer 232
5080 haul 232
5081 guardian 232
5082 flies 232
5083 dodge 232
5084 demands 232
5085 boot 232
5086 arts 232
5087 african 232
5088 truman 231
5089 thumb 231
5090 there'd 231
5091 limited 231
5092 lighter 231
5093 karl 231
5094 how're 231
5095 elders 231
5096 connie 231
5097 connections 231
5098 shooter 230
5099 quietly 230
5100 pulls 230
5101 lion 230
5102 janet 230
5103 idiots 230
5104 factor 230
5105 erase 230
5106 denying 230
5107 cox 230
5108 attacks 230
5109 ankle 230
5110 amnesia 230
5111 accepting 230
5112 ruby 229
5113 ooo 229
5114 hunter 229
5115 heartbeat 229
5116 gal 229
5117 fry 229
5118 devane 229
5119 cummings 229
5120 confront 229
5121 backing 229
5122 ann 229
5123 register 228
5124 phrase 228
5125 operations 228
5126 minus 228
5127 meets 228
5128 legitimate 228
5129 hurricane 228
5130 fixing 228
5131 communication 228
5132 cindy 228
5133 bucket 228
5134 boats 228
5135 auto 228
5136 arrogant 228
5137 vicki 227
5138 tuna 227
5139 supper 227
5140 studies 227
5141 slightest 227
5142 sins 227
5143 sayin 227
5144 recipe 227
5145 pier 227
5146 paternity 227
5147 mason 227
5148 lamb 227
5149 kisses 227
5150 humiliating 227
5151 genuine 227
5152 catholic 227
5153 webber 226
5154 snack 226
5155 rational 226
5156 pointed 226
5157 passport 226
5158 minded 226
5159 latin 226
5160 jeremy 226
5161 guessed 226
5162 grace's 226
5163 fiancé 226
5164 display 226
5165 dip 226
5166 brooke's 226
5167 advanced 226
5168 weddings 225
5169 unh 225
5170 tumor 225
5171 teams 225
5172 reported 225
5173 marco 225
5174 ida 225
5175 humiliated 225
5176 hee 225
5177 destruction 225
5178 copies 225
5179 closely 225
5180 carlos 225
5181 bid 225
5182 banana 225
5183 august 225
5184 aspirin 225
5185 academy 225
5186 wig 224
5187 turk 224
5188 throughout 224
5189 spray 224
5190 picks 224
5191 occur 224
5192 logic 224
5193 knight 224
5194 grissom 224
5195 fields 224
5196 eyed 224
5197 equal 224
5198 drowning 224
5199 contacts 224
5200 shakespeare 223
5201 ritual 223
5202 perfume 223
5203 mitzi 223
5204 madison 223
5205 kelly's 223
5206 hiring 223
5207 hating 223
5208 ham 223
5209 generally 223
5210 fusion 223
5211 error 223
5212 elected 223
5213 docks 223
5214 creatures 223
5215 becky 223
5216 visions 222
5217 thanking 222
5218 thankful 222
5219 sock 222
5220 replaced 222
5221 reed 222
5222 noel 222
5223 nineteen 222
5224 nick's 222
5225 fork 222
5226 comedy 222
5227 analysis 222
5228 yale 221
5229 throws 221
5230 teenagers 221
5231 studied 221
5232 stressed 221
5233 slice 221
5234 shore 221
5235 rolls 221
5236 requires 221
5237 plead 221
5238 palm 221
5239 ladder 221
5240 kicks 221
5241 jr 221
5242 irish 221
5243 ford 221
5244 detectives 221
5245 assured 221
5246 alison's 221
5247 widow 220
5248 tomorrow's 220
5249 tissue 220
5250 tellin 220
5251 shallow 220
5252 responsibilities 220
5253 repay 220
5254 rejected 220
5255 permanently 220
5256 howdy 220
5257 hack 220
5258 girlfriends 220
5259 deadly 220
5260 comforting 220
5261 ceiling 220
5262 bonus 220
5263 anderson 220
5264 verdict 219
5265 maintenance 219
5266 jar 219
5267 insensitive 219
5268 heather 219
5269 factory 219
5270 aim 219
5271 triple 218
5272 spilled 218
5273 ruth 218
5274 respected 218
5275 recovered 218
5276 messy 218
5277 interrupted 218
5278 halliwell 218
5279 entry 218
5280 car's 218
5281 blond 218
5282 bleed 218
5283 benefits 218
5284 wardrobe 217
5285 tenney 217
5286 takin 217
5287 significant 217
5288 objective 217
5289 murders 217
5290 foster 217
5291 doo 217
5292 ding 217
5293 clyde 217
5294 chart 217
5295 backs 217
5296 airplane 217
5297 workers 216
5298 waves 216
5299 underestimate 216
5300 ties 216
5301 soccer 216
5302 registered 216
5303 multiple 216
5304 miranda 216
5305 justify 216
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5307 frustrated 216
5308 fold 216
5309 enzo 216
5310 dante 216
5311 convention 216
5312 communicate 216
5313 bugging 216
5314 attraction 216
5315 arson 216
5316 whack 215
5317 wade 215
5318 tits 215
5319 salary 215
5320 rumors 215
5321 residence 215
5322 party's 215
5323 obligation 215
5324 medium 215
5325 liking 215
5326 laura's 215
5327 development 215
5328 develop 215
5329 dearest 215
5330 david's 215
5331 danny's 215
5332 congratulate 215
5333 april 215
5334 alliance 215
5335 vengeance 214
5336 switzerland 214
5337 severe 214
5338 rack 214
5339 puzzle 214
5340 puerto 214
5341 guidance 214
5342 fires 214
5343 dickie 214
5344 courtesy 214
5345 caller 214
5346 bounce 214
5347 blamed 214
5348 wizard 213
5349 tops 213
5350 terrance 213
5351 sh 213
5352 repair 213
5353 quiz 213
5354 prep 213
5355 now's 213
5356 involves 213
5357 headquarters 213
5358 curiosity 213
5359 codes 213
5360 circles 213
5361 bears 213
5362 barbecue 213
5363 troops 212
5364 susie 212
5365 sunnydale 212
5366 spinning 212
5367 scores 212
5368 pursue 212
5369 psychotic 212
5370 mexican 212
5371 groups 212
5372 denver 212
5373 cough 212
5374 claimed 212
5375 brooklyn 212
5376 accusations 212
5377 shares 211
5378 rushing 211
5379 resent 211
5380 money's 211
5381 laughs 211
5382 gathered 211
5383 freshman 211
5384 envy 211
5385 drown 211
5386 cristian's 211
5387 chemical 211
5388 branch 211
5389 bartlet 211
5390 asses 211
5391 virginia 210
5392 sofa 210
5393 scientist 210
5394 poster 210
5395 murdock 210
5396 models 210
5397 mckinnon 210
5398 islands 210
5399 highness 210
5400 drain 210
5401 dock 210
5402 cha 210
5403 apologies 210
5404 welfare 209
5405 victor's 209
5406 theirs 209
5407 stat 209
5408 stall 209
5409 spots 209
5410 somewhat 209
5411 solo 209
5412 ryan's 209
5413 realizes 209
5414 psych 209
5415 mmmm 209
5416 lois 209
5417 jazz 209
5418 hawk 209
5419 fools 209
5420 finishing 209
5421 connor 209
5422 beard 209
5423 album 209
5424 wee 208
5425 understandable 208
5426 unable 208
5427 treats 208
5428 theatre 208
5429 succeed 208
5430 stir 208
5431 sammy 208
5432 relaxed 208
5433 makin 208
5434 inches 208
5435 gratitude 208
5436 faithful 208
5437 dennis 208
5438 bin 208
5439 accent 208
5440 zip 207
5441 witter 207
5442 wandering 207
5443 shell 207
5444 shane 207
5445 regardless 207
5446 racing 207
5447 que 207
5448 maurice 207
5449 locate 207
5450 inevitable 207
5451 griffin 207
5452 gretel 207
5453 ellie 207
5454 deed 207
5455 debbie 207
5456 crushed 207
5457 controlling 207
5458 western 206
5459 taxes 206
5460 tara 206
5461 smelled 206
5462 sheep 206
5463 settlement 206
5464 rocky 206
5465 robe 206
5466 retired 206
5467 poet 206
5468 opposed 206
5469 marked 206
5470 hannibal 206
5471 greenlee's 206
5472 gossip 206
5473 gambling 206
5474 determine 206
5475 cuba 206
5476 cosmetics 206
5477 cent 206
5478 accidents 206
5479 tricky 205
5480 surprising 205
5481 stiff 205
5482 sincere 205
5483 shield 205
5484 rushed 205
5485 rice 205
5486 resume 205
5487 reporting 205
5488 refrigerator 205
5489 reference 205
5490 preparing 205
5491 nightmares 205
5492 mijo 205
5493 ignoring 205
5494 hunch 205
5495 fog 205
5496 fireworks 205
5497 drowned 205
5498 crown 205
5499 cooperation 205
5500 brass 205
5501 accurate 205
5502 whispering 204
5503 stevens 204
5504 stella 204
5505 sophisticated 204
5506 ron 204
5507 religion 204
5508 luggage 204
5509 ll 204
5510 lemon 204
5511 investigate 204
5512 hike 204
5513 explore 204
5514 emotion 204
5515 dragon 204
5516 creek 204
5517 crashing 204
5518 contacted 204
5519 complications 204
5520 cherry 204
5521 ceo 204
5522 bruno 204
5523 acid 204
5524 z 203
5525 shining 203
5526 russia 203
5527 rolled 203
5528 righteous 203
5529 reconsider 203
5530 jonathan 203
5531 inspiration 203
5532 goody 203
5533 geek 203
5534 frightening 203
5535 festival 203
5536 ethics 203
5537 creeps 203
5538 courthouse 203
5539 camping 203
5540 assistance 203
5541 affection 203
5542 vow 202
5543 smythe 202
5544 protest 202
5545 lodge 202
5546 haircut 202
5547 forcing 202
5548 eternal 202
5549 essay 202
5550 chairman 202
5551 batman 202
5552 baked 202
5553 apologized 202
5554 vibe 201
5555 stud 201
5556 stargate 201
5557 sailor 201
5558 respects 201
5559 receipt 201
5560 operator 201
5561 mami 201
5562 lindsey 201
5563 kathy 201
5564 includes 201
5565 hats 201
5566 goat 201
5567 exclusive 201
5568 destructive 201
5569 define 201
5570 defeat 201
5571 cheek 201
5572 adore 201
5573 adopt 201
5574 warrior 200
5575 voted 200
5576 tracked 200
5577 sloan 200
5578 signals 200
5579 shorts 200
5580 rory's 200
5581 reminding 200
5582 relative 200
5583 pond 200
5584 ninth 200
5585 lester 200
5586 harper 200
5587 floors 200
5588 dough 200
5589 creations 200
5590 continues 200
5591 cancelled 200
5592 cabot 200
5593 barrel 200
5594 adam's 200
5595 tuck 199
5596 snuck 199
5597 slight 199
5598 reporters 199
5599 rear 199
5600 pressing 199
5601 pacific 199
5602 novel 199
5603 newspapers 199
5604 magnificent 199
5605 madame 199
5606 lincoln 199
5607 lick 199
5608 lazy 199
5609 goddess 199
5610 glorious 199
5611 fiancee 199
5612 candidate 199
5613 brick 199
5614 boyd 199
5615 bits 199
5616 australia 199
5617 activities 199
5618 visitation 198
5619 teen 198
5620 scholarship 198
5621 sane 198
5622 previous 198
5623 michigan 198
5624 kingdom 198
5625 kindness 198
5626 ivy's 198
5627 im 198
5628 flames 198
5629 sunny 197
5630 shoulda 197
5631 robinson 197
5632 rescued 197
5633 mattress 197
5634 maria's 197
5635 lounge 197
5636 lobster 197
5637 lifted 197
5638 label 197
5639 importantly 197
5640 glove 197
5641 enterprises 197
5642 driver's 197
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5644 condo 197
5645 cemetery 197
5646 beings 197
5647 admitting 197
5648 yelled 196
5649 waving 196
5650 spoon 196
5651 screech 196
5652 satisfaction 196
5653 requested 196
5654 reads 196
5655 plants 196
5656 nun 196
5657 navy 196
5658 nailed 196
5659 hannah 196
5660 elvis 196
5661 elephant 196
5662 described 196
5663 dedicated 196
5664 christian 196
5665 certificate 196
5666 centuries 196
5667 annual 196
5668 worm 195
5669 tick 195
5670 resting 195
5671 primary 195
5672 polish 195
5673 monkeys 195
5674 marvelous 195
5675 fuss 195
5676 funds 195
5677 defensive 195
5678 cortlandt 195
5679 compete 195
5680 chased 195
5681 bush 195
5682 balloon 195
5683 alexander 195
5684 sailing 194
5685 provided 194
5686 pockets 194
5687 luckily 194
5688 lilith 194
5689 lila 194
5690 hattie 194
5691 filing 194
5692 depression 194
5693 conversations 194
5694 consideration 194
5695 consciousness 194
5696 worlds 193
5697 joyce 193
5698 innocence 193
5699 indicate 193
5700 grandmother's 193
5701 gail 193
5702 fucker 193
5703 freaky 193
5704 forehead 193
5705 foley 193
5706 bam 193
5707 appeared 193
5708 aggressive 193
5709 trailer 192
5710 summers 192
5711 slam 192
5712 seinfeld 192
5713 retirement 192
5714 quitting 192
5715 pry 192
5716 porn 192
5717 person's 192
5718 narrow 192
5719 levels 192
5720 kay's 192
5721 inform 192
5722 fee 192
5723 eugene 192
5724 encourage 192
5725 dug 192
5726 delighted 192
5727 daylight 192
5728 danced 192
5729 currently 192
5730 confidential 192
5731 chew 192
5732 billy's 192
5733 ben's 192
5734 aunts 192
5735 washing 191
5736 warden 191
5737 vic 191
5738 tossed 191
5739 temple 191
5740 spectra 191
5741 rick's 191
5742 permit 191
5743 mistress 191
5744 marrow 191
5745 lined 191
5746 implying 191
5747 hatred 191
5748 grill 191
5749 formula 191
5750 esther 191
5751 en 191
5752 efforts 191
5753 corpse 191
5754 clues 191
5755 wally 190
5756 sober 190
5757 relatives 190
5758 promotion 190
5759 peel 190
5760 offended 190
5761 morgue 190
5762 larger 190
5763 jude 190
5764 infected 190
5765 humanity 190
5766 eww 190
5767 emily's 190
5768 electricity 190
5769 electrical 190
5770 distraction 190
5771 chopper 190
5772 cart 190
5773 broadcast 190
5774 wired 189
5775 violation 189
5776 ve 189
5777 suspended 189
5778 sting 189
5779 promising 189
5780 harassment 189
5781 glue 189
5782 gathering 189
5783 deer 189
5784 d'angelo 189
5785 cursed 189
5786 controlled 189
5787 content 189
5788 combat 189
5789 calendar 189
5790 brutal 189
5791 bing 189
5792 bette 189
5793 assets 189
5794 warlocks 188
5795 wagon 188
5796 vietnam 188
5797 unpleasant 188
5798 tan 188
5799 stacy 188
5800 shirley 188
5801 robot 188
5802 roberts 188
5803 proving 188
5804 priorities 188
5805 pepper 188
5806 observation 188
5807 mustn't 188
5808 lease 188
5809 killers 188
5810 grows 188
5811 flame 188
5812 domestic 188
5813 divine 188
5814 disappearance 188
5815 depressing 188
5816 thrill 187
5817 terminal 187
5818 sitter 187
5819 ribs 187
5820 offers 187
5821 naw 187
5822 morris 187
5823 judy 187
5824 flush 187
5825 exception 187
5826 earrings 187
5827 deadline 187
5828 corporal 187
5829 collapsed 187
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5972 felony 179
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5999 cock 178
6000 buys 178